SDN: software-defineret netværk
Overordnede kursusmål
To give participants knowledge about the design and implementation of network services using the Software Defined Networking (SDN) paradigm.
See course description in English
- Understand the concept of SDN (i.e. abstracting and centralizing the control plane)
- Analyze the implications of shifting from traditional network architectures to software defined networks
- Assess the benefits and drawbacks of applying SDN in different areas in telecommunications (e.g. WAN, data centers etc.)
- Explain how existing network services can be created in SDN (e.g. firewalls, load balancing, mobility, etc.)
- Understand the SDN programming model (with respect to the ONOS SDN controller)
- Evaluate the possibility of creating novel network services using SDN and design such a service
- Implement a network service using the knowledge acquired throughout the lectures
- Document and defend orally the project work
The course aims to give an introduction into Software Defined Networking and how it can be used to improve current networks, as well as to enable students to develop network services using SDN specific tools.
In the first part of the course the students will be introduced to the SDN paradigm. A series of SDN-based network services, from different areas of telecommunications, is covered during the lectures (e.g. security, load balancing, wireless, routing, network virtualization, etc.). The course material draws from latest research and developments within SDN. The students will get hands-on experience with tools and programming models for SDN.
The second part of the course is reserved for students to design and implement a network application (service) using the tools and concepts introduced in the first part.
The course material consists of lecture slides and selected papers. Minimal programming experience in Java is required. Participants are expected to use their own laptop in order to set up a virtualized environment and use it as working environment for the course.
This course is suitable as part of a PhD study plan.