Enkeltfag 10 ECTS

Procesdesign: Principper og metoder

Overordnede kursusmål

Chemical process design is about finding a sustainable process that can convert the raw materials to the desired products cost effectively. Chemical engineers support diverse range of sectors and process industries, which convert raw materials to more than 70,000 products. Given this diverse set of industries and sectors with its own domain specific equipment and standards, in this course, the objective is to introduce students to systematic methods for process design, to give overview of the main steps involved in typical life cycle of a process design, as well as the complexity of the design activity. In addition to systematic approach for process design, we stress the importance of iterative process analysis including economics, uncertainty & sensitivity analysis of design assumptions and basis, heat integration, optimization as well as sustainability analysis of process design. In this way, the course aims to equip students with a flexible skillset to help design innovative, cost-competitive and sustainable processes in diverse range of processing industries.

See course description in English


  • Apply a systematic approach for process design
  • Identify, gather and analyze necessary data, methods and models for design
  • Appreciate complexity of process design & make design related decisions
  • Generate and evaluate/screen alternatives for design
  • Use computer aided tools & work in groups
  • Verify and analyze simulation results
  • Perform process economics analysis including uncertainty analysis
  • Perform heat integration and design via pinch analysis
  • Apply nonlinear programming for process optimization
  • Perform life cycle analysis (LCA) to assess environmental aspects of sustainable process design
  • Use knowledge to solve practical engineering problems
  • Apply chemical engineering principles learned from other courses


The course has two parts:
Part 1) Design a process flowsheet complete with energy and mass balances for a given design problem: Use the systematic “task based methodology”,
task 1-2) formulate objective for design, identify, gather and analyze necessary data for product-process of interest,
task 3) generate/select conceptual process flowsheet & verification (Douglas method for synthesis)/milestone#1
task 4) Perform mass and energy balances
task 5) Sensitivity analysis & consolidate mass and energy balances.

The outcome of this is a verified process flowsheet implementation meeting technical performance criteria for mass and energy balances & product specs / summary documentation & working implementation of the solution in process simulator. milestone#2

Part 2) Process analysis and evaluation of a given design and its improvement with respect to
task 6) Cost estimation (capital & variable/production cost),
task 7) Profitability analysis using economic metrics and sensitivity & uncertainty analysis (Monte Carlo),
task 8) process/heat integration and design of heat exchanger network (HXN)
task 9) Process and flowsheet optimization
task10) Sustainability assessment & comparative assessment.

The final outcome combining the results of all tasks (part 1 and part 2) are compiled in a design project report / final project report & group presentations (milestone#3)

Anbefalede forudsætninger

En bachelor i Kemi og teknologi, Bioteknologi, Sundhed og Produktion eller tilsvarende, der omfatter grundlæggende kurser i masse- og energibalancer samt kemisk reaktionsteknik, svarende til 28020 og 28140. In addition, it is highly recommended to take the MSc course 28420 Separation Processes before this course. The 28420 will provide methods and skill set to design separation systems that make up an important part of the process flowsheets.


Forelæsninger og øvelser under vejledning i classroom. Project assignment and group work in databar/computer classroom.


Textbook: “Systematic Methods of Chemical Process Design”, L.T. Biegler, I.E. Grossmann, A.W. Westerberg, Prentice-Hall, 1997, ISBN: 0-13-492422-3

supporting texbook (especially for cost and economic evaluation)
Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers 5th Edition by Max Peters,‎ Klaus Timmerhaus,‎ Ronald West,‎ Max Peters.


Minimum 4, Maksimum: 60.

Vær opmærksom på, at dette enkeltfagskursus har et minimumskrav til antal deltagere. Derudover er der begrænsning på antallet af studiepladser. Er der for få tilmeldinger oprettes kurset ikke. Er der for mange tilmeldinger, vil der blive trukket lod om pladserne. Du får besked om, om du har fået tildelt en studieplads senest 8 dage før kursusstart.

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13 uger




DTU Lyngby Campus

Kursus ID 28350
Kursustype Kandidat

15.000,00 kr.

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