Single-Course Engelsk 10 ECTS

Wind, solar and energy storage electrical drive trains

Overall Course Objectives

The objectives of the course are to enable students to learn about various concepts of operation of electrical drivetrains in wind turbines, PV installations and energy storage technology.

Some of the aspects of the drivetrain design addressed in the course, include principle of operation, designing and sizing considerations of generators, power electronic converters (AC/DC and DC/DC) and other components, as well as understanding of control schemes that tie components together in associated systems (wind turbine, PV system, Electrical Storage System).

After dedicated introductory lectures where we will introduce important aspects of major components for each major drivetrain concepts, students will have the opportunity to work with several technology applications through the sequence of 2-3 week experimental projects. Some examples of experimental project include:
– Wind Turbine generator characterization, analysis and operation, implementation and analysis of Maximum Power Point Tracking
– Implementation of Field Oriented speed control for electrical machines (as generators and EV traction motors),
– Comparison between PI controller and Model Predictive Control of UPS power converters
– Isolated grid (island) operation & control
– Active Front End (AFT) converter control
– PV and storage DC/DC converter operation,
– Implementation of PV MPPT control schema etc

The further course objective is to enable students to get familiar, capable and comfortable working with experimental setup and understand how to properly qualify the quality of the findings (accuracy, tolerances, co-dependency among test parameters… ).

See course description in Danish

Learning Objectives

  • Understands the principles of electrical and control system operations of modern Wind Turbines, PV installations and Battery Electrical Storage.
  • Understand and describe the steady state and dynamic models of the electrical components (equivalent circuits, control schemes) and use them to
  • Simulate the Renewable Energy electrical systems drivetrains components (e.g. modern multi-MW wind turbines or part of the PV farm installation) to assess the performance of their operation.
  • Learn and implement control concepts for Renewable Energy systems like Maximal Power Point Tracking for wind and solar systems, Field Oriented Control / Vector Control of motor drives and Active Front End grid connected converters.
  • Demonstrate acquired knowledge in laboratory and evaluate the performance of systems based on simulations, comparative analysis with experimental validation
  • Demonstrate acquired knowledge in laboratory experimental setup or high fidelity simulation model (eg: implementation of MPPT control for WT, FOC converter control (AC or DC) based systems,
  • Write clear technical reports and
  • Work effectively as part of a team

Course Content

The course focuses on control and operation of electrical components and subsystems of wind and solar generation as well as the battery storage technology. The student will gain insight into the overview of wind turbine generator drivetrain and grid tied converter operation and control, electric energy storage system operation and control and PV system operation and control.

Students will get the opportunity to gain knowledge in the series of guided experimental projects, which will allow them to get familiar with most relevant technical systems in current/emerging in power system. Students, organized in groups will work on each technical/experimental project for 2-3 weeks after which they will rotate to the new setups. In this way, all students will experience all projects in rotation.

Technical projects students will be working on will be realised in terms of system application (WT, PV…), such as the ones mentioned in General Course Objectives. The underlying commonality among these are the components used to establish these systems, such are electrical power converters, machine, passive components, batteries, PV panels…. Thus, student will have the opportunity to work with same components in different applications/contexts, fortifying the components basics and principle of operation.

The experimental projects will be carried out using both simulation platforms (Simulink/MatLab, LabView and Comsol) and laboratory setups featuring embedded controllers (dSpace and cRIO) and will be base for a final report, students will need to present and defend as a group.

Recommended prerequisites

46700/46725/46550, Basic knowledge to power systems, high power electronics and electrical machines similar indicated courses

Teaching Method

Guided simulations & experiments work in the laboratory.



E-learning is used in the form of MS team group and access to simulation/control tools

See course in the course database.





13 weeks




DTU Lyngby Campus

Course code 46735
Course type Candidate
Semester start Week 36
Semester end Week 49
Days Mon 13-17, Thurs 8-12

18.500,00 DKK
