Multi Storey Buildings of Concrete
Overall Course Objectives
The student must gain sufficient knowledge and understand the behavior of concrete structures, brickwork and internal forces in discs.
The student must gain skills in design of multistorey buildings constructed by using prefabricated structural elements
See course description in Danish
Learning Objectives
- Analyze structural and statically model for a multistorey building
- Evaluate possible load combinations
- Calculate internal forces in multistorey buildings by using elasticity theory and plasticity theory
- Design and dimension plates and beams in precast elements
- Design and dimension walls and columns in precast elements
- Design and dimension joints in and between structural elements
- Reflect on and motivate chosen solutions
- Present and explain the group cooperation
Course Content
Overview of course subjects, where the students can delimit and plan the project work:
Determinations of loads, statically models, statically determined and undetermined disc structures.
Internal forces in multistorey buildings: Elasticity theory and plasticity theory
Structures carrying capacity: concrete slabs and concrete walls, light weight concrete walls and brick work.
Joints: design and carrying capacity
The project work must be done according to the subjects above and approved by the professors
Recommended prerequisites
41236/62263, The student must have passed all obligatory courses regarding Mechanics and structural engineering in 1. – 4. semester.
Teaching Method
Presentations and assignments, leading to the course project
Students presentations and discussions. Self tuition
External professionals. Excursions. Study tour
Course Projects are carried out in groups of 2 – 4 students. Supervisors contribute to the group formation that integrates foreign and Danish students.
Section of Building Technology and Processes
Building and Civil Engineering: optional
Arctic Civil Engineering : optional
The assessment is based on the course project carried out during the course, and a presentation and discussion about the project, related to the professional subjects of the course.