Enkeltfag Engelsk 5 ECTS

Ph.d.-kursus – Avancerede solcellekoncepter

Overordnede kursusmål

The aim of the course is to introduce the students to advanced concepts in photovoltaics and learn about the latest developments in up-conversion, Thin films, multi-junction tandem solar cells, Perovskites, Organic photovoltaics and advanced characterization methods for photovoltaics.

See course description in English


  • Describe methods to get more out of sunlight by up-conversion
  • Understand the basic properties and production methods of multi-junction and tandem solar cells
  • Apply tools for fast prototyping of new photovoltaic materials
  • Utilize SCAPS for numerical simulation of PV cells
  • Explain and evaluate image-based inspection tools for fault identification and assessment in PV systems
  • Classify reliability and accelerated lifetime testing of PV modules
  • Design and improve the performance of CZTS solar cells by different manufacturing processes and architectures
  • Define the recent progress in perovskites photovoltaics research
  • Discuss the current state-of-the-art in organics photovoltaics
  • Present a topic of advanced concepts in photovoltaics in a clear and comprehensive fashion
  • Critically review a presentation by fellow students in the course and be able to give constructive feedback
  • Write a report on a topic of advanced concept in photovoltaics


The course is composed of total of 3 weeks. 1 week PhD summer school (including preparation for an oral presentation given by each participants) and 2 weeks study load of textbook and article reading with corresponding discussion with teachers. Students will be requested to read, at least, 2 weeks prior to the school, book-chapters and state-of-the-art journal papers on selected topics by the teachers. The reading material is selected in agreement with the teachers to make the best possible preparation of the students to participate in the Summer School. Students will meet to discuss among themselves and with professors the reading material. The student will give an oral presentation during the Summer School about the research topics of the students PhD project and feedback will be given by teachers and other PhD students. A short report will be requested after the summer school. Lectures will be delivered from primarily teachers at DTU Electro and SDU, The Mads Clausen Institute, Faculty of Engineering and selected number of top researchers and teachers from world-wide renown Universities;

Anbefalede forudsætninger

Knowledge within photonics, optics, nanotechnology, chemistry and physics would be beneficiary


Lectures, presentations, and group work and 2 weeks of additional textbook and article studies



Minimum 15, Maksimum: 50.

Vær opmærksom på, at dette enkeltfagskursus har et minimumskrav til antal deltagere. Derudover er der begrænsning på antallet af studiepladser. Er der for få tilmeldinger oprettes kurset ikke. Er der for mange tilmeldinger, vil der blive trukket lod om pladserne. Du får besked om, om du har fået tildelt en studieplads senest 8 dage før kursusstart.

Se kurset i kursusbasen





13 uger




DTU Other Campus

Kursus ID 34193
Kursustype Ph.d.

10.600,00 kr.

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