Introduction to Wireless Technologies
Overall Course Objectives
The students acquire knowledge about the physical layer in wireless communications, which gives them an understanding of systems and elements and makes them capable of solving simple technical problems.
See course description in Danish
Learning Objectives
- perform system analysis of the physical layer of a wireless communication systems
- calculate the signal level in the following elements of a wireless communication system: RF transmitter, transmission lines, transmitting and receiving antennas, radio wave propagation channel, and RF receiver
- perform calculation of noise in a complete receiver chain consisting of, e.g., antenna, low-noise amplifier, transmission line, filters, mixer, and demodulator
- analyse basic RF transmitters and receivers structures
- calculate power transfer on transmission lines
- calculate directivity, gain, radiation efficiency, polarisation, effective area, and effective length for simple antennas
- calculate path loss and fading for ideal and realistic radiowave propagation channels
- understand basic analogue and digital modulation forms and analyse the associated modulators and demodulators
- calculate bit error probability for basic digital modulation forms.
Course Content
Introduction to wireless communication systems, transmitters and receivers, RF circuits and antennas, noise and power budget, radio wave propagation, and analogue and digital modulation. Technology behind Bluetooth, WiFi, Internet of Things (IoT), 5G communications, Connected Cars, and many more.
Recommended prerequisites
31400/30400/31035/30035/10036/34120/02402/02403/02405, The course requires basic knowledge of electromagnetics (Maxwell’s equations, plane waves, and transmission lines), circuit theory, signal processing, and probability calculus. An introductory signal processing course can be followed simultaneously.
Teaching Method
Lectures, group tutorials, and mandatory home assignments.
The course is well suited for B.Sc. students from the Electrical Engineering, IT and Communications Technology and the Physics and Nanotechnology programs and B.Eng.-students from the electrical engineering program (in the 4th or 5th semester).
The course forms an integrated whole but is also a pre-requisite for the advanced courses in microwave-, antenna-, and RF engineering and is closely linked to the research at Electromagnetic Systems.