Single-Course Dansk 5 ECTS

Electromagnetism for communication

Overall Course Objectives

To give a general introduction to electromagnetism with focus given to specific application to for example communication via fibers, optical sensors and wireless communication.

See course description in Danish

Learning Objectives

  • Describe electromagnetic fields with the use of vector analysis
  • Apply Maxwell’s equation on simple problems in relation to electromagnetism
  • Explain the propagation of electromagnetic waves in free space, simple materials and structures as for example dielectric waveguides
  • Explain Huygens principle and apply this to simple examples of diffraction
  • Explain application and working principle of examples of optical sensor systems, specifically: “Light Detection and Ranging,” and the “Fabry-Perot interferometer”
  • Explain basic principles used to characterize antennas and apply gained knowledge within antennas in the context of communication
  • Explain the propagation of radio waves
  • Explain basic theory for electromagnetic fields when applied in different examples including motors, sensors and communication
  • Describe and communicate the basic theory of electromagnetic fields

Course Content

Electromagnetic waves (Maxwell equations), light, optical sensors, antennas and radio waves.

Recommended prerequisites


Teaching Method

Lectures and problem solving



The intention with this course is to give students that have not participated in other courses about electromagnetism, the necessary introduction to the subject, so that they may be able to carry out projects related to application of electromagnetic fields for example in dynamos, motors as well as application of light in optical sensors and in communication. The students obtain sufficient skills to carry out projects and/or attend subsequent courses within optics and photonics as well as communication including internet of things.

See course in the course database.





13 weeks




DTU Lyngby Campus

Course code 34120
Course type Bachelor
Semester start Week 6
Semester end Week 20
Days Thurs 13-17

9.250,00 DKK
