Single-Course Dansk 5 ECTS

Water and climate adaption

Overall Course Objectives

The objective is for the student to acquire knowledge and skills in building and using model for storm water, give suggestions for climate change adaptation and elements for safety at cloudburst, can project larger structures and basins. Have knowledge and skills within sewage rehabilitation.
The objective is for the student to acquire knowledge in hydraulics, calculate dimensional rainwater flow, and flow across weirs.
The course aims to enable students to give and justify and communicate choices and solutions of assignments in writing and orally. The course aims to enable students to explain the use of digital tools.

See course description in Danish

Learning Objectives

  • Establish and use a storm water model for an urban area.
  • To enhance resilience and sustainability in urban areas, and to give solutions for climate adaptions and cloudburst
  • Design of rainwater drainage systems
  • Elementary design for weirs and their management
  • Elementary design of basins and their management
  • Elementary design of pumping stations and their management
  • Has knowledge and skills in sewage rehabilitation and considering LCA when deciding solutions
  • Has knowledge and ability to use relevant hydraulic concepts
  • Explain the the use of digital tools supporting run off projects design and optimization
  • Commmunicate, indicate and justify the selection of solutions of the assignments in writing and orally

Course Content

Many living areas experience problems with the capacity of the existing sewer. There is a need for new solutions for handling the run off water, and solutions that allow the water to a greater extent to run on the surface. The surface run off relates to the 17 SDG’s, Sustainable Development Goals.

Rainwater Drainage: service requirements and storm Water models, safety for cloudburst, climate adaptation
Weirs, design and calculation, requirements for frequency, requirements for design, self-cleaning and operation, materials
Basins, design and calculation, requirements for frequency requirements for the design, self-cleaning and operation, materials
Pumping stations, design and calculations, management
Sewage Rehabilitation. Planning, strategy and methods
Sewage simulation using digital tools, status, impact assessment for separation, basin storage

Recommended prerequisites

Teaching Method

Lectures, Exercises, Assignments, Student præsentations, Excursions,



Section of Building Technology and Processes
Study Programme: Building and Civil Engineering: 3rd semester
Study programme Arctic Civil Engineering, 4th semester

In the course the following programmes are being used: The Water pollution Committe: LAR regenark, dtu rainanalyst, Scalgo, Mike Programmes

See course in the course database.





13 weeks


Engineering Technology


DTU Ballerup Campus

Course code 62277
Course type Graduate Engineer
Semester start Week 36
Semester end Week 49
Days Thurs 8-12

9.250,00 DKK
