Single-Course Dansk 10 ECTS

Mechanical Engineering Design

Overall Course Objectives

After completing the course, the students shall have gained so much experience in mechanical engineering design that they can design a technical product and also produce the technical drawings required for manufacturing.
Be able to understand, apply and dimension the machine elements forming a mechanical transmission system.
Have a basic knowledge of the need for size-optimization, such that sustainability is improved by means of lowered material waste during manufacturing and lowered energy consumption during operation.
Be able to communicate the result of the work clearly by means of technical report, calculations and drawings.

See course description in Danish

Learning Objectives

  • Analyse the load conditions in a mechanical transmission.
  • Account for the loads and other operating conditions of the components of the transmission.
  • Design a mechanical product fulfilling specifications regarding size, transmitted power, life time, etc.
  • Utilize the Newtonian mechanics and strength of materials when dimensioning the machine elements forming the transmission system.
  • State requirements to materials and functional surfaces for components in the transmission.
  • Use the standards, which describes the framework for dimensioning of machine elements, including DS, DIN, EN, and ISO standards.
  • Describe and utilize the models and analysis methods, which form the base for selecting rolling element bearings.
  • Make a product model of the transmission in an advanced CAD system and use this model as basis for making an assembly drawing as well as manufaturing drawings of selected components in the transmission.
  • Write a report which, on a high technical level, describes the dimensioning of the transmission.

Course Content

The basic qualities of the product: structure, shape, material, dimension and surface. Requirements. Commonly used machine elements in mechanical transmissions. Design of product specific elements as shafts and gears. Selection procedures for standard elements as for example rolling element bearings and bolts. Specification of tolerances, including geometrical tolerancing. Creation of product model in CAD, sketching, preparation of draft and final layout, manufacturing drawings and assembly drawings.
The course is completed as a larger, independent engineering design project leading to documentation (written and drawing) of the product.

Recommended prerequisites

Teaching Method

Lectures and projectwork in groups (2, possibly 3 students).



Section of Mechanical Technology
Maskinteknik: elective course 4th semester

See course in the course database.





13 weeks


Engineering Technology


DTU Ballerup Campus

Course code 62683
Course type Graduate Engineer

18.500,00 DKK
