Robust and fault-tolerant control
Overall Course Objectives
General objectives:
– to teach the basic in robust control, fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control
– to show applications
– show how to use robust cantrol and fault tolerant control
– to be able to evaluate advantages and disadvantages in connection with application of robust control and fault tolerant control.
See course description in Danish
Learning Objectives
- Formulate a structural model of a dymical system
- Design a residual generator from structural and analytical results
- Analyze detectability and isolability of faults and assess the fault by estimation
- Master dynamical design of residual generators to achieve desired properties
- Design and implement algorithms for change detection and hypothesis testing
- Formulate models with uncertainty for a dynamical system
- Formulate performance specifications for a feedback system
- Master analysis of sensitivity and performance for a feedback system
- Formulate different control requirements as a standard control problem
- Master design of feedback control with specified regions of uncertainty for the control object
- Redesign a control system for a faulty control object
Course Content
The course deals with novel control methods and concepts in the area of robust and optimal control, fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control.
Robust and optimal control are applied where the controller needs to be independent of variations in the control object, i.e. the effect from the variations on the performance is minimal. Fault diagnosis is applied for detection and/or isolating faults in dynamical systems. Faults can e.g. be a sensor break down, a valve is not working optimal, etc. Fault diagnosis is applied for supervision of dynamical systems in connection with fault-tolerant control. When major changes happen in the control object or in the controller due to e.g. faults in the system, it can be necessary to make changes in the controller/control architecture to avoid undesired stop of production, break down or safety hazards. This can be done in a systematic way by using fault-tolerant control, where the control system is reconfigured or the control object is closed down in a safe way.
The first part of the course includes an introduction to the other parts of the course.
Both analysis and design methods will be presented, the participants will work actively with analysis and design and real application cases are used to illustrate the concepts. Participants will work with the latest generation of dedicated software for the analysis and design of fault-tolerant and robust control systems.
A number of small exercises/examples will be applied together with two larger assignments with associated test setup in the laboratory.
Recommended prerequisites
31310, Knowledge of state-space description of dynamical systems. Knowledge of observer based feedback control.
Teaching Method
Lectures, group-work, simulation and programming exercises.
E-learning is used in the form of discussion board or blog.