Design and layout of integrated CMOS circuits
Overall Course Objectives
To enable the student to conduct a complete design of integrated analog circuitry from a given specification through schematic design and analysis to a layout ready for manufacturing.
See course description in Danish
Learning Objectives
- Synthesize an operational amplifier according to a certain specification in a CMOS process
- Use a schematic editor and a simulation environment for design and analysis of analog circuitry
- Analyze the performance of the design circuit in all process corners
- Correlate simulated results with calculated values based on a small signal equivalent of the operational amplifier
- Use a layout editor for making layout of analog circuitry
- Identify the parts of the design critical to matching and make layout that ensures good matching for these parts
- Use a DRC tool (Design Rule Checking) to ensure the design fulfills the design rules
- Use a LVS tool (Layout Versus Schematic) to ensure the layout matches the schematic design
- Design a simple padring for the design at schematic level
- Document the work in a final report
Course Content
The course is conducted as a project where the students work in groups. During the project status and review meeting will be held where the students exchange experiences and help each other with various challenges and problems. During the project lectures will be given in selected topics.
The course treats analog circuits, schematic design, layout, computer simulations (DC; AC, transient), design rule check (DRC), layout versus schematic (LVS)
Teaching Method
Individual project work, status and review meetings and lectures.