Single-Course Engelsk 5 ECTS

Advanced Optical Communication Systems

Overall Course Objectives

To give the students insight into the most advanced and novel technologies, which will enable extreme data rates and heavily reduced energy consumption of optical communication systems. The students will get: a) insight into the fundamental challenges that optical communication systems face today (need for ever greater capacity, nonlinear transmission limits, energy consumption), and which technological solutions are being researched and developed today (spatial multiplexing, advanced optical and digital signal processing, integrated photonics), and b) numerical tools to simulate advanced nonlinear optical transmission effects and optical signal processing subsystems, such as optical time lenses, and to perform advanced digital signal processing.

See course description in Danish

Learning Objectives

  • Explain linear and nonlinear capacity limits in optical fibre communication systems
  • Explain the digital modulation formats used in optical systems, and their relation to capacity
  • Use digital signal processing for coherent optical communication systems
  • Explain advanced digital signal processing for the compensation of nonlinear capacity limits
  • Explain advanced optical signal processing for the compensation of nonlinear capacity limits
  • Design optical system functionalities based on the interaction between nonlinearities and dispersion, such as data regenerating subsystems and optical time lens subsystems
  • Describe passive optical networks (PON) and explain the principles behind a time lens based PON-transmitter
  • Understand and describe the nonlinear properties of various materials, and their advantages and disadvantages
  • Design functionalities based on compact functional elements and integrated photonic chips, and perform numerical simulation of these
  • Describe spatial multiplexed communication systems based on multiple optical modes, multiple fibre cores in special optical fibres, and explain the operation principles of essential components for spatial multiplexing

Course Content

Beyond state-of-the-art optical communication systems for extreme data rates and reduced energy consumption. Advanced digital and optical signal processing for the increase of capacity in fibre channels. Nonlinear fibre optics and integrated photonic circuits (optical chips). Optical functional elements based on compact components and passive optical network solutions.

Recommended prerequisites

Teaching Method

Lectures, calculation exercises, numerical simulation exercises



This course is suitable as part of a Ph.D. study plan.

See course in the course database.





13 weeks




DTU Lyngby Campus

Course code 34156
Course type Candidate
Semester start Week 36
Semester end Week 49
Days Mon 8-12

9.250,00 DKK
