Single-Course Dansk 5 ECTS

Introduction to digital communication

Overall Course Objectives

To give an introduction to processing of signals in modern communication systems, including concepts such as sampling, quantization, filtering, noise and modulation

See course description in Danish

Learning Objectives

  • Describe signals in general in relation to communication systems
  • Explain the difference between analog signals and digital signals, and between periodic and non-periodic signals
  • Describe sampling and reconstruction of signals and explain the sampling theorem for deterministic signals
  • Explain quantization, including the difference between linear and non-linear quantization
  • Describe how signals can be represented in both time-domain and frequency domain, and the purpose of Fourier transform in relation to these different domains
  • Describe what characterizes a linear system and the relation between a linear system’s impulse response and transfer function
  • Explain how information can be transferred with pulses and how pulses are detected in the presence of noise
  • Describe amplitude modulation and phase modulation in both time domain and frequency domain
  • Use MATLAB for calculations on simple communication systems

Course Content

Introduction to analysis and processing of deterministic signals. Sampling and quantization. The sampling theorem. Introduction to linear systems and electric circuits. Transmission with pulses. Optimal detection of pulses. Intersymbol interference. Nyquist’s theorem. Orthogonal signals. Modulation. Channel models for metallic and optical transmission lines and radio channels

Recommended prerequisites

01005, 01005 (at the same time)

Teaching Method

Lectures, exercises and mandatory assignments

See course in the course database.





13 weeks




DTU Lyngby Campus

Course code 34210
Course type Bachelor
Semester start Week 6
Semester end Week 20
Days Tues 8-12

9.250,00 DKK
