Telekommunikations programmerings projekter med Arduino
Overordnede kursusmål
To give the participants a basic knowledge of C programming, code documentation, interfacing to the Arduino platform and communication protocols.
See course description in English
- Apply the special characteristics of C code for Arduino
- Explain the steps needed to successfully execute C code on an Arduino platform
- Plan and document a system design
- Evaluate pros and cons of different wired and wireless communication technologies
- Evaluate code and components for low power optimized devices
- Use simple circuitry for interconnecting components
- Document code using a version control system
- Present and demonstrate own project work
Basic C programming, Version control system and code documentation, Tutorials and exercises, Introduction to Arduino, System design, Wired and wireless communication protocols (eks. wifi, Bluetooth, Lora, RF, Ethernet), Sensors and devices, IoT server/backbone.
Project examples: Temperature control, Alarm system with motion detection and notification, Wireless serial RF communication between two Arduino units, Unit control via GSM SMS messaging , Security, code generation, PIN recognition, SMS confirmation.
De studerende forventes at købe deres eget IoT kit (ca. kr. 300-400.-), men ingen udgifter til bøger. Projektarbejde i grupper. Vejledning kan udføres delvist online.
Anbefalede forudsætninger
Basic programming skills
Lectures, exercises, project work.
Mandatory project presentation.
This course offers hands-on project work. Group work encouraged. Own laptop required.
NB: Maximum number of participants is 20.
Maksimum: 20.
Vær opmærksom på, at dette enkeltfagskursus har et begrænset antal studiepladser. Er der for mange tilmeldinger, vil der blive trukket lod om pladserne. Du får besked om, hvorvidt du har fået tildelt en studieplads senest 8 dage før kursusstart.