Sustainable District Heating

Overall Course Objectives
The objective of the course is
– to enable students to understand the role of district heating in Danish and European energy supply structure and the basic concepts in the district heating system
– to provide the participants with the cutting-edge knowledge on the district heating technology development
– to perform in-depth system performance analysis of district heating network and in-house heating units.
See course description in Danish
Learning Objectives
- Describe the district heating system and the main components from heat production, heat distribution to in-house substation
- Design low-temperature heating system in existing buildings
- Identify different strategies to adapt the current district heating system for future low-temperature operation
- Design and dimension district heating network and conduct hydraulic and thermal performance analysis
- Evaluate the dynamic thermal performance of district heating pipes and substations
- Perform thermal-economical analysis on district heating system
- Contribute to the further development of low-temperature district heating system
- Evaluate/design district heating system with flexibility on both production and demand sides
- Compare different heat supply options as waste heat and renewable energy for low-temperature district heating
- Set up reports on design of low-temperature heating systems and low-temperature district heating systems
Course Content
The course includes both basic concepts on district heating system component and their performance and the state-of-the-art knowledge on low temperature district heating for new and renovated low energy buildings. The course deals with the following topics:
– The role of district heating and its future perspective
– Major components in a district heating system from heat production, distribution to end users
– General concept of low temperature district heating
– District heating pipeline heat transfer characteristics
– District heating network hydraulic and thermal simulation
– In-house district heating units thermal performance
– Residential building supplied with low temperature district heating
– Current status on low temperature district heating in Denmark and internationally.
Recommended prerequisites
Teaching Method
Lectures and work on assignments
Limited number of seats
Minimum: 10.
Please be aware that this course will only be held if the required minimum number of participants is met. You will be informed 8 days before the start of the course, whether the course will be held.