Applied CFD

Overall Course Objectives
The course give an introduction to the theory of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and focus on the practical application of the commercial CFD package STAR-CCM+
See course description in Danish
Learning Objectives
- derive a finite-volume discretisation for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
- derive first and second order spatial discretization schemes
- derive a pressure equation for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equation (the SIMPLE algorithm)
- derive first and second order explicit and implicit time integration schemes
- create meshes using the STAR-CCM+
- analyze and select proper physical and numerical boundary conditions
- analyze and select appropriate physical models
- select an appropriate time step size based on Courant and Fourier stability limits
- produce flow visualisations using STAR-CCM+
Course Content
The course gives an introduction to the governing Navier-Stokes equations and their solution using the finite-volume method. The course presents solution procedures for the velocity-pressure coupling for explicit and implicit time discretization schemes. Direct and iterative solution procedures for the linearized equations are discussed. The focus of the course is application of the commercial CFD package: STAR-CCM+ for practical problems in fluid mechanics.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is the numerical analysis of fluid motion, heat transfer and associated phenomena. It involves the formulation of the governing partial diffential equations describing the transport of mass, momentum and heat, and a discretiation of these equations using finite-difference, finite-volume or finite-element methods.
For engineering applications the finite volume discretization is often method of choice as it allows simulations of fluid flow in complex geometries with a minimum requirement of computer memory and execution time. The course will outline the steps required for the spatial and temporal discretization of the governing equations using finite-volumes and describe techniques for the solution of the discrete set of equations.
The participants may bring their own (STAR-CCM+) flow problem for the exercises in the 3rd week of the course.
Recommended prerequisites
Teaching Method
morning lectures
afternoon exercises