Single-Course Engelsk 5 ECTS

Urban air pollution

Overall Course Objectives

To describe air pollution sources, atmospheric transport, dispersion and transformation processes, deposition, uptake and impacts on human health and the environment in urban sphere.

See course description in Danish

Learning Objectives

  • Do a basic assessment of health affecting air pollutants like particulate matter, ground level ozone and NO2 in urban air.
  • Explain basic concepts of air pollution, and identify and solve environmental problems with emphasis on air pollution.
  • Apply working knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering science in understanding air pollution, and possible environmental engineering interventions.
  • Sketch political and economic actors in relation to solving air pollution problems in the urban sphere.
  • Relate health and safety needs in relation to air pollutants.
  • Analyse, interpret, and communicate environmental data related to urban air pollution
  • Design air sampling methods and air pollution measurements campaigns.
  • Perform relevant measurements of key air pollutants.
  • Evaluate key air pollutants – and their environmental impact – from important sectors like residential burning, shipping, agriculture, road traffic etc.
  • Assess the effect of possible preventive measures such as green infrastructure and catalytic conversion of gases in the urban environment

Course Content

Air pollution is a phenomenon that has increased both in geographical and temporal measure since the start of civilization. The course provides a short introduction to the historical background and outlines the problem as seen in a general perspective. The course treats air pollution from sources through atmospheric transport and transformation, deposition and impacts on humans in the urban environment. Specific air pollutants covered in the course include NOx, O3, fine particles and ultra fine particles. The course covers measurement of air pollutants and understanding of human health effects and its interaction with other variables. Technological means for regulating air pollution in the urban environment are described. Finally environmental economy, legislation and international efforts towards reduced emissions are briefly covered.

Recommended prerequisites

12102, 12227 and a course on general chemistry

Teaching Method

Lectures, guest lectures, field measurements, group assignment & exercises


Limited number of seats

Maximum: 55.

Please be aware that this course has a limited number of seats available. If there are too many applicants, a pool will be created for the remainder of the qualified applicants, and they will be selected at random. You will be informed 8 days before the start of the course, whether you have been allocated a spot.

See course in the course database.





13 weeks




DTU Lyngby Campus

Course code 12228
Course type Candidate
Semester start Week 36
Semester end Week 49
Days Thurs 8-12

9.250,00 DKK

Please note that this course has participants limitation. Read more
