Environmental Management, innovation and Ethics
Overall Course Objectives
The course aims at giving the students an understanding of the basic principles and tools of environmental management and regulation, with emphasis on innovation, uncertainty, regulation and the ethical challenges associated with environmental dilemmas and foresight. The approach is interdisciplinary and is intended to broaden the students’ vision of society’s environmental challenges, such as the increased use of technologies, resource extraction, mitigation and adaptation to climate change.
See course description in Danish
Learning Objectives
- Describe several basic ethical theories and applied environmental ethical principles
- Discuss different approaches to environmental management, regulation and decision support
- Differentiate between the ethical and environmental ethical theories and management approaches
- Reflect on environmental issues from the perspective of different ethical theories
- Demonstrate how regulation can be designed so that both helps protect the environment as well as sparks innovation
- Debate the social and ethical implications of different regulatory measures
- Analyse uncertainties and risks in complex environmental issues
- Formulate a regulation and policy strategy for coping with the environmental issues
- Write a political brief on an environmental issue with relevant facts, analysis of problems and solutions and policy recommendations
Course Content
Basic principles of environmental management approaches: Command and control, consensus, economic tools, CSR and ethics. Basic theory about regulation and innovation: Porter’s hypothesis, technological lock-ins.Basic theory of ethics, emphasis on environmental ethics. Introduction to Backcasting, Impact Assessment (i.e. environmental economics), DPSIR analysis, Stakeholder analysis and Technology Assessment. Analysis of regulatory options when it comes to wicked environmental problems. The role of ethics, philosophy, science and engineering in society. Determinism, uncertainty, ignorance and indeterminacy. Technical and chemical risk management. Environmental principles. The precautionary principle.. The role of engineers as a specialist when it comes to social, environmental and ethical dilemmas. Interpretation of sustainability, moral community and the common versus opportunistic individual needs. How to write a policy brief. Developing policy recommendations.
Recommended prerequisites
As many environmental courses as possible, including environmental management courses.
Teaching Method
Lectures, exercises, policy brief and recommendations developed in groups