Single-Course Engelsk 5 ECTS

Simulation in Operations Management

Overall Course Objectives

Simulation is an important dynamic tool in design and optimization of production and service systems. The purpose of the course is therefore to learn and understand the advantages, possibilities and limitations of simulation. The course will enable the students to design, implement and use discrete event-based simulation models.

See course description in Danish

Learning Objectives

  • Explain the concept of discrete event-based simulation
  • Plan a simulation project for analysis of the performance of the a production or service system and define performance indicators relevant to the analysis
  • Design a discrete event-based simulation model
  • Implement the designed simulation model
  • Verify, calibrate and validate the implemented simulation model
  • Analyze available data in order to identify and apply relevant statistical distributions to incur stochasticity in the simulation
  • Plan a simulation experiment including setting up well-chosen scenarios for analysis of the considered system
  • Conduct a simulation experiment and analyse and evaluate the results thereof
  • Propose possible relevant improvements to the considered system and implement these in the simulation model as well as assess the effect of the proposed improvements
  • Present the completed simulation project and discuss the results obtained

Course Content

The course focuses on teaching the students to design, build and use discrete event-based simulation models to analyse problems within operations management. Based upon a wide range of specific complex planning problems, it will be discussed how simulation models can be used to obtain knowledge on the system’s operating performance. The students are taught to analyse complex systems within operations management and to define relevant key performance indicators.

The students are introduced to a discrete event-based simulation tool, AnyLogic, through small-scale practical assignments and introductory lectures during the first week of the course. Hereafter, during the following two weeks, the students are given a more extensive case study in which a specific simulation problem is solved in groups of two students.

Recommended prerequisites

02402/02403/02405, Introduction to statistics (or similar course in statistics and/or probability theory). Basic knowledge of programming (such as “if-then-else” statements and “for” loops).

Teaching Method

Lectures, exercises and project work


The students are encouraged to form groups of two students before the course start. Students not part of a two-person group by the beginning of the course will be assigned to a group to carry out the case study.

Physical presence is required at the written exam.

See course in the course database.





3 weeks




DTU Lyngby Campus

Course code 42417
Course type Candidate
Semester start Week 23
Semester end Week 26
Days Mon-fri 8:00-17:00

9.250,00 DKK
