Single-Course Engelsk 5 ECTS

Product development – The stages and processes of product development

Overall Course Objectives

In this course, product development describes physical, virtual, interaction or service-based creations with the focus on physical technical/engineered products.

It’s the objective with the course that the student obtains knowledge of the product development process and its sub-processes.
The student should also gain an understanding of the importance and relevance of each sub process, their location and impact on the overall product development process.

The student should also understand the link between the different disciplines involved in the product development process, so that the student later on can work as a project manager within the field of product development.

See course description in Danish

Learning Objectives

  • Have knowledge of different product development processes.
  • Be able to list the main phases in product development.
  • Have the ability to identify and describe a certain product opportunity.
  • Be aware of the importance of intellectual property rights, including patent screenings, and be capable of describing them in briefs.
  • Be able to search and use relevant standards and norms, as well as security requirements for products.
  • Can describe a team regarding relevant professions in a specific product development process.
  • Can prepare a product specification, with regard to sustainability and environmental impact.
  • Can create an overall time schedule for a product development process.
  • Can make the overall planning of the process, based on a specification.
  • Gain an understanding of developing technical/engineered products.
  • Can analyze and apply this knowledge to technical/engineered products.
  • Gain an understanding and application of the principles for design for environment (DFE).

Course Content

Product development processes and sub processes. Theoretical and practical workshop classes.

Recommended prerequisites


Teaching Method

Lectures, workshops, project work, work shop classes.


Section of Mechanical Technology
Global Business engineering and Technology: 4. semester
Process & Innovation: 2. semester

See course in the course database.





13 weeks


Engineering Technology


DTU Ballerup Campus

Course code 62008
Course type Graduate Engineer
Semester start Week 6
Semester end Week 20
Days Tues 8-12

9.250,00 DKK
