Single-Course Dansk 5 ECTS

Freight and Transport Logistics

Overall Course Objectives

To give the student a overview of the main issues associated with freight and transport logistics, as well as to provide insights on what the industry players and policy makers are working with. This include problems and challenges for individual stakeholders such as shippers and transport operators. Issues for the freight transport sector as a whole are addressed at the regional, national and international levels. All major modes of transport will be covered.

See course description in Danish

Learning Objectives

  • Describe terminology and key concepts within freight transport and logistics
  • Assess various freight and transport logistics systems from an economics and societal perspectives
  • Describe the infrastructure elements in freight transport and logistics system
  • Describe the most important modes of transport for freight
  • Evaluate the balance between environmental and economic performance in freight transport
  • Describe policy challenges, in the private industry, the EU, and elsewhere
  • Assess the role of information technology and digitalization for sustainable freight and transport logistics
  • Describe the most important problems met in planning and management of freight transport terminals
  • Design infrastructure terminal for freight transport
  • Present technical problems of freight transport and infrastructure – orally and in written form

Course Content

The course is about transport within the freight supply chain. Problem settings experienced in strategic, tactical and operational contexts in freight transport. The course covers the major transportation modes, freight types, and terminals. Furthermore, the course covers major global trade and freight routes and corridors.

Recommended prerequisites

62133, Some knowledge of supply chains, inventory management theory is recommended

Teaching Method

Lectures and group project. For the group project, students are expected to work highly independently (e.g. conduct own collection of relevant literature).


Section of Production, Transportation and Planning
B.Eng. in Mobility, transport and logistics: 4. semester

See course in the course database.





13 weeks


Engineering Technology


DTU Ballerup Campus

Course code 62640
Course type Graduate Engineer
Semester start Week 6
Semester end Week 20
Days Tues 8-12

9.250,00 DKK
