Single-Course Engelsk 10 ECTS

Climate adaption and cloud burst for Run off Water

Overall Course Objectives

The student must gain knowledge and understanding of rain water and run off water systems adapting to climate change and cloud burst conditions.
The student will be able to plan, design, calculate , construct and manage rain water systems on and under surface.

See course description in Danish

Learning Objectives

  • Based on knowledge of changing climatic conditions to plan, design, calculate, construct, manage and maintain the storm water system and the sewage system.
  • Design and asses ‘Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems’ including seepage systems
  • Build, run and asses a smaller digital model for a drainage system
  • Use of smaller digital drainage model for impact assessment of climate adaptation solutions and cloudburst solutions
  • Plan a sewage rehabilitation and explain the strategies and methods for the sewage renovation
  • Design and calculate weirs, storm water basins, pumpimg stations and present the structure and operation
  • Plan the implementation of the construction works related to run off systems, reflect on conflicts and argue for solutions relating to the construction phase, including the ability-for-construction
  • Acquire knowledge of methods for cleaning rainwater
  • Be able to take an overall sustainability assessment on climate adaption and cloudburst solutions
  • Reflect on and motivate chosen solutions
  • Present and explain the group cooperation and for groups with international students with special focus on the interaction.

Course Content

Many living areas experience problems with the capacity of the existing sewer. There is a need for new solutions for handling the run off water, and solutions that allow the water to a greater extent to run on the surface. Also recipients must be protected from pollution from the surface water

Overview of the subject of the course.
– Plans for adaption of climate change
– Rain water drainage, strategies and methods, on and under surface
– Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems
– Models for run off, over flow and consequences for recipients.
– Digital model for run off water, establishing, running and assessing the outcome
– Digital model for cloudburst
– Basins and weirs
– Rainwater, contaminating compounds, cleaning and outlet
– Rainwater systems monitoring, data treatment and analysis
– Rehabilitation of sewage systems, methods and criteria for renovation
– Planning and designing the sewage rehabilitation
– Planning the implementation of the civil works, ability-to-build, timeplan, stakeholders, appropriate methods

Recommended prerequisites

62277, The student at the study programme Building and Civil Engineering’ is recommended to have taken part in the course package ‘Utility services and Energy’ or ‘Infratructure’

Students from other study programmes are recommended to have knowledge and skills with hydraulics, sewer and run off systems, dimensioning of sewer systems

Teaching Method

Presentations and assignments
Students presentations and dialogues. Independent studies
External professionals. Excursions. Study tour
Course projects, solved in groups of 3-4 students



Section of Building Technology and Processes
Building and Civil Engineering: elective course

In the course the following programmes are being used
Scalgo Live
Mike programmes
GEUS Jupiter, The National Well Database
The Water Pollution Committees guides and recommendations
Danmarks Arealinformation

See course in the course database.





13 weeks


Engineering Technology


DTU Ballerup Campus

Course code 62389
Course type Graduate Engineer
Semester start Week 36
Semester end Week 49
Days Tues 8-12, Fri 13-17

18.500,00 DKK
