Hydrogen energy and fuel cells
Overall Course Objectives
Fossil fuels are depleting. Carbon dioxide is accumulating in the atmosphere. Global warming is accelerating at an increasing rate. These ever-growing concerns stimulate worldwide research activities within technologies of high fuel efficiency, low air emissions, and renewable energy for the 21st century. Hydrogen, fuel cells and power-to-X are expected to play central roles in this context. The course presents a comprehensive and up-to-date understanding of the hydrogen energy and fuel cell technologies to provide (1) an introductory overview to students that are new in the field, (2) a detailed explanation and further understanding to those familiar with the subject, and (3) a discussion platform for the newest innovations and future improvements to those involved or to be involved in the development.
See course description in Danish
Learning Objectives
- Present the idea of applying hydrogen as an energy carrier
- Describe the mode of operation of a fuel cell as well as the function of the individual components
- Understand and present the differences in function and application of different types of fuel cells
- Explain the shape of a polarization curve and calculate ohmic resistance and conversion efficiency on that background
- Present the most important techniques for production of hydrogen with a main focus on electrolysis
- Calculate construction and operation parameters of fuel cell and electrolyzer stacks
- Present the three most important types of electrolyzer cells
- Assess advantages and limitations of different techniques for hydrogen storage
- Discuss safety issues in connection with hydrogen
- Discuss the problems with implementation of the hydrogen society and keep a critical attitude to popular descriptions of hydrogen as an energy carrier
- Describe the technologies behind Power-to-X and compare advantages and disadvantages
Course Content
Hydrogen as an energy carrier, fundamentals of fuel cells and electrolyzer cells, electrochemical principles, thermodynamics, ion conductors, catalysts and electrodes, types of fuel cells (PEM, alkaline, phosphoric acid, molten carbonate and solid oxide) and electroyzer cells (alkaline, PEM and solid oxide), hydrogen storage, metal hydrides, fuel processing, hydrogen production by electrolysis, system integration, balance of plant, applications.
Teaching Method
Lectures, class discussions, problem solving.
Guest lecturers from industry contribute when possible. Agreements from year to year.
The course presents the relevant technologies with respect to function, construction and materials. The content is cross disciplinary and participants have different backgrounds. The course goes well together with 47302 which provides the hands-on experience. 47302 can be taken before or after this course.
Limited number of seats
Minimum: 10.
Please be aware that this course will only be held if the required minimum number of participants is met. You will be informed 8 days before the start of the course, whether the course will be held.