Project in Intelligent Systems
Overall Course Objectives
This course aims to provide participants with the fundamental competences required to conceive, design and implement intelligent and distributed control systems combining data-driven and knowledge-based techniques. The course work offers participants an application-oriented introduction to machine learning and declarative methods of artificial intelligence. Course participants will learn the practical aspect of intelligent systems with respect to use-cases and top level design to design.
See course description in Danish
Learning Objectives
- Identify and discuss situation awareness, decision, and control tasks in an intelligent systems problem.
- Apply machine learning methods to data modeling problems in intelligent systems and evaluate their effectiveness.
- Work with a large data set, perform data exploration and feature extraction to derive knowledge from data in a real-world automation problem.
- Explain structured knowledge representation techniques and related modeling principles, and select suitable knowledge representations for integration in an intelligent systems solution.
- Describe suitable uses of logic-based and declarative methods applied to the solution of decision making problems in intelligent systems.
- Explain and select appropriate methods as well as the corresponding data models and knowledge representations as part of a design problem.
- Analyse an intelligent systems design problem, communicate the design idea, formulate specifications and test requirements.
- Design, implement and evaluate an operational prototype of an intelligent system using data-driven and declarative programming techniques applied to a distributed systems problem.
Course Content
Introduction to intelligent systems problems, task analysis, systems development approaches & architecture elements; applications of intelligent systems in automation, Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Grid / Energy problems.
Distributed systems basics: concurrency, communication, and debugging.
Structured knowledge representation (e.g. ontologies) and applications to declarative and logic-based programming methods (e.g. rule-based logic, graph-search, … ).
Handling large data sets; data visualization; applied statistical learning methods. Quality of data-driven models.
Recommended prerequisites
34666, The course is based on the project description that was an assignment in course 34366.
Teaching Method
Project work – individually or in groups
The course is also offered in the June 3-week period as course 34372.
It is recommended to consider programming prerequisites of this course, and to contact the course responsible if in doubt.
Limited number of seats
Minimum: 6.
Please be aware that this course will only be held if the required minimum number of participants is met. You will be informed 8 days before the start of the course, whether the course will be held.