Optical design and modelling
Overall Course Objectives
This course is project orientated, and provides the students an option to use the skills, they have learned during the introduction courses in optics and photonics, and to evaluate/optimize their solutions with optical design and simulation tools such as Zemax.
See course description in Danish
Learning Objectives
- Summarize a realistic optical design problem
- Collect data about light sources, optical materials and components from datasheets
- Define relevant assumptions for optical calculations/estimates
- Estimate optical parameters and do radiometric/photometric estimates.
- Build a simple model in Zemax
- Build a macro in Zemax for optimization of optical solutions
- Evaluate the influence of the assumptions used for the calculations
- Evaluate the approximations and limitations of the Zemax model.
- Communicate progress and discuss solutions with other groups
Course Content
The students will be organized in groups as they select an optical designproject. Alternative design projects can be suggested by students and planned on forehand with the supervisor. Each group outlines one or two solutions to the problem. Then the solutions will be simulated or evaluated with Zemax and maybe minor experiments can be included as well. The groups will present and discus progress and solutions together. The students will get a license to Zemax during the course.
Teaching Method
Project work in groups