Internet of things – application and infrastructure implementation
Overall Course Objectives
The course will let students obtain an introduction to Internet of Things, including architecture, protocols, and challenges, and gain valuable full-stack hands-on experiences on hardware development, application development and service deployment. The course will provide students with state-of-the-art open-source hardware, software and cloud service tools to build innovative IoT applications/services aiming at increasing energy efficiency, improving quality of life, and/or increasing productivity.
See course description in Danish
Learning Objectives
- Describe the essence and challenges of Internet of Things.
- Describe networking protocols in different network layers
- Develop simple hardware prototypes with sensors
- Develop programs to transmit data to/from the IoT device.
- Describe state-of-the-art cloud services.
- Use cloud services to process, analyze and store IoT data.
- Deploy and showcase the developed IoT system and application.
- Describe usecases for different standard solutions
- Contribute to group work and present the groups outcome in a report and an oral presentation
Course Content
Introduction to architectures, protocol principles, and challenges of IoT.
Circuit board prototyping using Arduino with sensor devices, including temperature sensor, light sensor, motion sensor, distance sensor, etc. Simple data collection and visualization through webservers and IoT Cloud solutions. Students are expected buy their own IoT kit (approx. kr. 300-400.-), but no expenses for books. IoT project development in groups. Physical presence in class for exercises and group work is required as an integral part of the course. Evaluation is based on assignments, giving peer-feedback, reports and an oral presentation to the class on the last course day.
Recommended prerequisites
Interested in working in the lab, developing hardware prototypes, and embedded programming.
Teaching Method
Project work / Lectures / Exercises
Students from B.Sc. Cyberteknologi are recommended to follow course 34325 instead (same timeslot).
Limited number of seats
Maximum: 60.
Please be aware that this course has a limited number of seats available. If there are too many applicants, a pool will be created for the remainder of the qualified applicants, and they will be selected at random. You will be informed 8 days before the start of the course, whether you have been allocated a spot.