Access networks and home networks
Overall Course Objectives
The course provides a broad overview of methods and techniques used to connect different types of terminals, for example. private household appliances, entertainment electronics, telemedicine measuring equipment, sensors (and similar M2M devices) to a communications network. The course will primarily focus on wired networks and networks using non-licensed frequency bands (mobile communication is covered in 34333 and 34343). The course will cover both the physical transmission parts focusing on the different multiplexing methods generally used to achieve high bandwidth efficiency for media with varying characteristics as well as protocol hierarchical aspects that ensure integration of different applications with very different quality needs and requirements for network performance (QoS).
See course description in Danish
Learning Objectives
- Describe the architectural structure of the Internet that ensures connection of users, terminals, services, autonomous devices (e.g. sensors) and the similar.
- Explain the principles of using different network topologies and multiplexing principles for efficient and cost-effective end-user systems.
- Explain the principles and requirements of a public access network and a home network.
- Define the basic differences between wired and non-wired (wireless) networks.
- Define the basic differences in shared and dedicated media based on, among other things, performance and service warranty aspects.
- Analyze the importance of selecting multiplication method for access networks.
- Explain the principles and architectures of xDSL networks, both the basic technology, and the principles of bitstream access, raw copper, traditional and forward DSLAM.
- Describe the use of optical fiber in access and home network (both active and passive optical access networks).
- Clarify the CAP, DMT, FDMA, OFDMA, CDMA and similar principles.
- Clarify the basic principles of powerline networks.
Course Content
The course will deal with general aspects of network access and use concrete “standards” to exemplify basic trends and differences. The course will evaluate and compare the possibility of increased capacity in the cable network with the flexibility and mobility of wireless networks. Within the public part of the network, solutions will focus on reuse of the existing infrastructure (e.g. cable modem or xDSL), and solutions that require new optical fiber cables (e.g. PONs). There will be great focus on understanding the basic principles and comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of the different solution models. For the home network, focus will also be on comparing the various prevailing technologies and techniques (such as Bluetooth, ZigBee, WiFi, Ethernet, and more) and focusing on how home equipment integrates physical and protocol technical.
Teaching Method
Lectures and project work