Advanced Topics in Applied Functional Analysis
Overall Course Objectives
The primary goal is to utilize and apply fundamental notions, abstractions, and principles of functional analysis towards solving concrete mathematical problems arising in engineering and natural sciences. In addition we aim at strengthening students’ analytical, logical reasoning, and problem solving abilities.
See course description in Danish
Learning Objectives
- Identify functional analytic abstractions in statements of concrete model problems
- Interpret model problems in functional analytic terms and formally verify prerequisites for such interpretations
- Utilize and apply fundamental functional analytic principles towards analyzing and solving model problems
- Interpret certain computational algorithms in functional analytic terms
- Follow and apply logical strategies of formal mathematical arguments
- Establish the validity mathematical statements about models by constructing and providing formal arguments
- Know and master the relevant mathematical language and be able to communicate abstract and precise mathematical statements and reasoning orally and in writing.
- Know and master advanced topics in functional analysis such as the spectral theorem for compact operators, compact embeddings and the Lax-Milgram Theorem.
Course Content
The course concerns functional analytic methods for integral and/or partial differential equations. Some specific keywords include: compact sets and operators, Sobolev spaces, elliptic boundary value problems, fixed point theorems, Galerkin method and FEM, and optimization in Hilbert and Banach spaces.
Teaching Method
Lectures, practical exercises, and oral presentations by the students
Limited number of seats
Minimum: 10.
Please be aware that this course will only be held if the required minimum number of participants is met. You will be informed 8 days before the start of the course, whether the course will be held.