Experimental fermentation technology
Overall Course Objectives
To provide the students practical experience with the experimental biotechnological work in microbiology and fermentation technology. This is achieved by allowing the students to perform various types of fermentation processes and correlating the results with data sets obtained from research literature.
See course description in Danish
Learning Objectives
- Proliferate microbial strains and perform aseptic work at different scales (shake flasks and bioreactors) in a laboratory.
- Perform laboratory scale fermentations and evaluate their results.
- Gain practical experience with setting up bioreactors and related measuring instruments.
- Gain experience with high-throughput automated devices for initial screening and preliminary evaluation of strains and fermentation conditions.
- Apply on and off-line measurements to monitor and control fermentation processes.
- Couple theoretical knowledge of yield coefficients with practical experiments and gain experience in developing and rely on carbon balances.
- Communicate about the essential findings and conclusions for completed fermentations.
- Complete a technical report that evaluates information from scientific literature combined with the processing of own data.
Course Content
Sterilization techniques, storage of microorganisms, inoculation and propagation. Set up and preparation of bioreactors. Growth experiments in bioreactors. Growth parameters and mass balances from experimental data. Theoretical exercises that include design and optimization of the different types of fermentation processes.
Recommended prerequisites
Knowledge and understanding of fundamental fermentation technology and biotechnological products produced by microorganisms. Knowledge of the basic quantitative elements, the scientific background and the general principles of biotechnological processes.
Teaching Method
Lectures, group assignments and mandatory laboratory exercises.
The course is only available for students enrolled as a BSc student in Biotechnology or Life Science Engineering.
Limited number of seats
Maximum: 60.
Please be aware that this course has a limited number of seats available. If there are too many applicants, a pool will be created for the remainder of the qualified applicants, and they will be selected at random. You will be informed 8 days before the start of the course, whether you have been allocated a spot.