Composite Materials and Fibres
Overall Course Objectives
– To give the students thorough knowledge of materials structures and properties, with special emphasis on fibres and their function in composite materials
– To give the students insight into the micromechanical models describing the function and properties of composite materials
– To make the students capable of selecting composite materials with specific property profiles
– To give the students improved skills in oral communication of engineering topics
See course description in Danish
Learning Objectives
- Describe and calculate the mechanical properties of materials based on their chemistry and structure
- Explain and calculate the effect of defects on material strength, and identify the methods of obtaining strong fibres
- Describe the chemistry and structure, processing and properties of practically relevant fibres in composites (glass, carbon, cellulose, polyethylene)
- Explain scatter in strength of fibres by a statistical method (Weibull), and use the method to calculate the scale effects of fibre strength
- Convert between weight and volume fractions in composites, and understand the relationship between volume fractions of fibres, matrix and porosity, in composites with different fibre weight fractions
- Describe and calculate the load distribution and load transfer in unidirectional composites with continuous and non-continuous fibres
- Calculate stiffness of composites with a given composition and configuration, and design of composites in relation to specific property profiles
- Explain and calculate the strength of unidirectional composites with micromechanical models predicting single and multiple fracture
- Identify and estimate the work of fracture of unidirectional composites from the mechanisms of debonding, elastic stretching and fibre pull-out
Course Content
Introduction to strong and light materials; theoretical maximum strength of materials; the effect of defects on practical lower strength; reinforcement of materials; principles of reinforcement with inclusions, in particular fibres; relevant fibres, their structure, fabrication, and properties; statistical analysis of fibre strength; volumetric composition of composite materials, in particular porosity; micromechanical models for composite materials; load transfer between fibre and matrix; critical fibre length; debonding and fibre pull-out energy for composite materials; single and multiple fracture; stiffness, strength and fracture energy for composite materials.
Recommended prerequisites
Teaching Method
Lectures, discussions, exercises