Single-Course Engelsk 10 ECTS

Water Supply

Overall Course Objectives

To provide the students with an applied knowledge of the basic processes which are important in the production and distribution of drinking water and of water for the industry, to theoretically analyse the operation of a ground water treatment plant, and to plan, design and analyse urban water distribution systems, using both simple hand calculations and professional computer software. Water supply is considered from a holistic point of view from the resources to the consumer.

See course description in Danish

Learning Objectives

  • Describe and contrast the quality demands for different uses of water – from drinking water to water for the industry
  • Explain and evaluate microbiological and chemical water quality parameters with respect to how they affect water safety
  • Describe and evaluate hygienic aspects of water production and distribution and explain the governing factors in applying disinfection
  • Describe the most important processes in water treatment at water works and contrast their advantages and disadvantages
  • Calculate and predict the changes in the concentration of the chemical species through a water works using hand calculations and
  • Analyse theoretically the operation of a ground water treatment plant by the use of professional computer software
  • Calculate the system requirements of a water distribution network for a small town (flow, pressure, fire fighting, time variations)
  • Plan, design optimize and analyse urban water distribution systems, using both simple hand calculations and professional computer ware
  • Describe and explain the principles in the legislation, control and management structure of supplying water
  • Identify and discuss the limitations and opportunities of using professional computer software in practical civil engineering contexts
  • Produce technical reports clearly documenting the use and the obtained results of using professional computer software for analyzing water works and distribution networks

Course Content

The spectrum of water qualities in water resources and the various quality requirements according to the use of the water will be reviewed together with the amount and variation of water consumption, hygiene and water quality. The course will also deal with the chemical and biological processes in treatment of surface and ground water for and in distribution systems, including processes in domestic water installations. Water works operation will be analyzed based on modelling of a number of physical-chemical parameters. Besides the treatment of water, the distribution system is considered, since it is the most expensive part of the water supply system, and the course involves planning, design and analysis of pumping installations, reservoirs and distribution networks. The interaction between the water and the construction material is an essential part of the processes in distribution systems. Lectures are presenting the theory of the course. In parallel to the lectures the participants work in groups with structured exercises: initially by modelling of water treatment processes and finally by modelling of distribution networks. Last year’s lecture plan can be obtained from the course responsible, Hans-Jørgen Albrechtsen (

Recommended prerequisites

12102/12134/41102, water chemistry, hydraulics, process technology, basic microbiology

Teaching Method

Lectures, guest lectures, hand calculations and computer exercises and student project group work, if possible excursions.


See course in the course database.





13 weeks




DTU Lyngby Campus

Course code 12121
Course type Candidate
Semester start Week 6
Semester end Week 20
Days Mon 13-17, Thurs 8-12

18.500,00 DKK
