Single-Course Engelsk 5 ECTS

Pavement Mechanics

Overall Course Objectives

This course covers advanced analysis, design, and construction topics related to both concrete and asphalt pavements. Its main objective is to elevate and enrich the knowledge level of the students in order that they could understand the basic assumptions and limitations underlying existing state-of-the-practice methods, and also that they would be able to appreciate and critically evaluate new ideas.

See course description in Danish

Learning Objectives

  • Understand how pavements behave under service conditions
  • Recognize and explain construction and design parameters that affect performance
  • Apply layered elasticity theory to analyze mechanical responses in asphalt pavements
  • Perform inverse analysis of pavement layer properties
  • Implement linear viscoelastic theory for material characterization
  • Apply plate theory to analyze mechanical responses in concrete pavements
  • Classify common concrete pavement distress types
  • Create pavement mechanics computer codes

Course Content

General mechanics background (10%):
(i) Deformation, rotation and strain, compatibility equations, traction and stress;
(ii) Equilibrium equations, linear elastic constitutive equations, boundary value problems;
Concrete pavements (45%):
(iii) Introduction and terminology;
(iv) Overview of construction process;
(v) Mechanics of slab-on-grade;
(vi) Concrete properties and environmental effects;
(vii) Joints – roles, types, arrangement, design, sealing;
(viii) Common distress modes and causes;
Asphalt pavements (45%):
(ix) Layered elastic half-space – problem formulation and solution method;
(x) Elastostatic FWD backcalculation;
(xi) Linear viscoelastic solids – Boltzmann superposition, creep and relaxation;
(xii) Interconversion and Laplace transform
(xiii) Frequency domain – dynamic modulus and phase angle;
(xiv) Time-temperature superposition (;
(xv) Spectra and mechanical analogs;
(xvi) Layered viscoelastic half-space – correspondence principle.

Recommended prerequisites

12415, Advanced mechanics concepts are introduced and utilized in this course; i.e., it is best suited for students that naturally gravitate towards analytic treatment. Some coding ability is required for performing the tasks.

Teaching Method

Lectures, discussions, exercises, and project work.


See course in the course database.





13 weeks




DTU Lyngby Campus

Course code 12451
Course type Candidate
Semester start Week 36
Semester end Week 49
Days Thurs 13-17

9.250,00 DKK
