Single-Course Dansk 5 ECTS

Product understanding

Overall Course Objectives

The course is a mandatory course for engineering students on the Process and Innovation program.

The aim of the course is that the students, who follow the course, gain basic knowledge about applied materials and their use, as well as training in choosing materials for specific products.

Applied materials, in this context, are the metals, polymers and ceramics used in modern industrial production.

The student obtains insight in choosing materials both from points of view regarding application, durability, sustainability and environmental considerations.

See course description in Danish

Learning Objectives

  • Gain insight into the structure of a product (design and materials usage) by taking apart a domestic product (e.g. hair dryer or angle grinder).
  • Describe the mechanical properties and application of metallic materials
  • Describe the mechanical properties and use of plastics and composites.
  • Select metals and plastics for a given application.
  • Conduct introductory laboratory investigations of the composition of materials and their material parameters, e.g. tensile test.
  • Describe the concepts of stress and tension and analyse a tensile graph and apply the data that comes from the analysis of a tensile test.
  • Conduct an information search within manufacturing methods.
  • Gain knowledge for the basic manufacturing methods used for products made from metals and polymers (plastic).
  • Use the term “material index” and use the material database program CES to select the optimal material for a given application.
  • Describe and use phase diagrams, including TTT diagrams in connection with heat treatments
  • Describe the concepts of hardness, impact strength, fatigue (fatigue failure) and carry through calculations of these concepts.

Course Content

– The Granta Edu Pack program, structure and use. The program will be installed on the student’s computer (License paid by DTU).
– Introduction to the subjects stress and strain as well as the analysis of a strain tension graph.
– Introduction to the atomic structure of materials, crystallographic and amorphous structures.
– Introduction to and use of phase diagrams.
– The structure of metals and their applications and properties.
– The structure of polymers and their applications and properties.
– The structure of composites and their applications and properties.
– Analysis of the materials in a given component and suggestions for selecting materials to a component.
– Training in the presentation of an academic material subject.

Teaching Method

Classroom teaching, exercises, practical exercises


Section of Mechanical Technology
Proces og Innovation: 1. semester

See course in the course database.





13 weeks


Engineering Technology


DTU Ballerup Campus

Course code 62010
Course type Graduate Engineer
Semester start Week 36
Semester end Week 49
Days Fri 8-12

9.250,00 DKK
