Digital systems, design of
Overall Course Objectives
The aim of the course is to enable the student to be able to:
• Analyze problems as regards digital implementations
• Choose the correct tools to describe the design task to ensure that the customer as well as the designer know what needs to be implemented (product specification)
• Apply various technologies in the design of digital systems(microprocessors and FPGA).
See course description in Danish
Learning Objectives
- apply different representations of binary numbers
- determine and demonstrate use of basic binary microoperations
- construct basic elements of the microprocessor architecture (state machines, registers, ALU, …)
- analyze and explain signal flow as well as controlling signals in a microprocessor system
- describe and justify the microprocessor, its datapath and control unit with various diagrams
- describe the structure of an instruction, types of instructions and the use of registers for addressing and data manipulation
- apply VHDL and structured programming in VHDL
- utilize synthesis/implementation and simulation tools for designing digital systems
- implement in hardware and operate a simple soft microprocessor core targeting an FPGA
- design and realize a simple microcode / assembler program for a microprocessor
- peer review among the students of their projects
- write a technical report including references and citations.
Course Content
Hardware description language(VHDL) for:
Alternatives to VHDL: Verilog and schematic capture
VHDL in combination with Verilog and schematic capture
Application of softcores and configureable building blocks
Principles of real time programming
Briefing on various design options when designing larger digital circuits
Standard logic versus and in combination with microprocessors
Discussion of clock strategies and signal synchronization
Synchronous versus asynchronous programmable integrated circuits design
Programming, philosophy of testing and designing for verificability/testability in circuit design
Planning and implementation of a larger design by application of VHDL og programmable ICs(FPGA)
Teamwork, reporting, presentation and evaluation
Teaching Method
Class lectures, e-learning and project work.
Section of AI, Mathematics and Software
Electrotechnology: 4th semester
The course includes a theory part and a project part. The theory is presented through e-learning, overview lectures and exercises in the laboratory in the first part of the course, while the project is carried out during the second part.