Single-Course Engelsk 5 ECTS

PhD Course – Information Theory

Overall Course Objectives

To allow Ph.D. students to use methods from information theory in their research e.g. in communication systems.

See course description in Danish

Learning Objectives

  • Calculate the entropy of memoryless sources and Markov sources
  • Calculate the mutual information, divergence, cross entropry and channel capacity for correlated signals, e.g. simple channels
  • Apply Huffman coding and other simple source coding methods
  • Determine error-correcting capability of linear codes and bounds for their performance
  • Find parameters of some well-known codes, e.g. Hamming, Reed-Solomon and product codes
  • Calculate and analyze adaptive code lengths in source coding
  • Explain basic elements in two-dimensional information theory
  • Apply methods from information theory to problems related to their ph.d. project

Course Content

The course covers the fundamental results in information theory:
Entropies for various classes of sources including 2-D, cross-entroi, divergence, channel capacity and coding theorems for information channels, coding theorems for data compression. Some recent results will be selected depending on the interests of the participants.

Teaching Method

Lectures, seminars, presentations by participants.


See course in the course database.





13 weeks




DTU Lyngby Campus

Course code 34290
Course type PhD
Semester start Week 6
Semester end Week 20

10.600,00 DKK
