Single-Course Engelsk 10 ECTS

Architectural acoustics

Overall Course Objectives

To introduce the students to theories and methods in room acoustics and sound insulation with the purpose of providing a background for design buildings with a satisfactory acoustic environment. This means that the building construction eliminates noise transmission problems and that the geometry and surfaces of rooms provides optimal acoustical conditions for the intended uses.

See course description in Danish

Learning Objectives

  • Explain the principles and basic assumptions behind theories used for sound insulation, such as sound radiation and structural waves in plates and statistical energy analysis (SEA).
  • Predict the flanking transmission and sound propagation in buildings with homogeneous single walls.
  • Calculate the air borne and impact sound insulation of common single and double building constructions, including elements such as floor coverings, floating floors, doors and windows.
  • Describe the sound insulation of older buildings and of modern lightweight constructions.
  • Calculate the sound absorption coefficient for common sound absorbers, including porous-, panel- and resonant absorbers.
  • Relate the objective acoustic parameters with the subjective impression of the acoustics of a room or building (such as early decay time, clarity, sound reduction index etc.)
  • Predict the influence of room geometry and absorption, reflection, diffraction and diffusion properties of surface on the impulse responce and percievd acoustic condition
  • Design the acoustics of rooms for speech and music in cooperation with architects and building engineers.
  • Understand the basic principles regarding introducing loudspeaker systems for amplification and reverberation enhancement in rooms.
  • Describe the principles and basic assumptions of computer prediction programs such as “Odeon” and “Bastian” and operate these.
  • Explain the basic assumptions and principles of and apply measurement methods in architectural acoustics, including sound insulation, reverberation time, speech intelligibility, sound absorption etc.

Course Content

The reflection and absorption of sound. Panel absorbers, resonance absorbers and porous absorbers. Theoretical and subjective room acoustics. Acoustics in new and old theatres, churches and concert halls. Room acoustic parameters. Designing of rooms for speech and music, such as classrooms and music venues. The use of computer models as design tools. Variation of room acoustics by physical changes and by electronic means.

The sound insulation of buildings and building elements from external and internal noise, including forced and resonant transmission, and single and double walls. Sound radiation from vibrations in walls. Introduction to structure borne sound and statistical energy analysis (SEA). Floating floors and impact sound insulation. Flanking transmission and sound propagation in building constructions. Sound insulation of older buildings and of modern lightweight constructions. Building acoustic test measurements.

About one third of the time is used on a building project in which the acoustical conditions are solved by using the knowledge gathered during the course.

Recommended prerequisites


Teaching Method

Lectures, laboratory exercises, excursion and project work. The projects are similar to real consultant projects, and when possible, include cooperation with external partners. Project and exercise reports are mandatory.

E-learning is used in the form of video streamed podcast lectures, quizzes and digital exam.


It is desirable that the students have a basic knowledge of acoustics and some knowledge of building techniques.

E-learning is used in the form of videos, on-line quiz (home assignments), discussion board/blog and digital exam.

See course in the course database.





13 weeks




DTU Lyngby Campus

Course code 34850
Course type Candidate
Semester start Week 6
Semester end Week 20
Days Tues 13-17, Fri 8-12

18.500,00 DKK
