Single-Course Engelsk 5 ECTS

Operating Systems

Overall Course Objectives

Operating systems provide computer programs with the necessary execution environment. They are used in computer systems ranging from very small embedded systems to large scale server installations. Although these different systems require different forms of operating systems, the services provided are very similar. In this course, you will be able to explore operating systems and also investigate their implementation and function.

See course description in Danish

Learning Objectives

  • explain the role of the operating system and how computer programs are executed.
  • define in own words basic operating system concepts such as processes, threads and scheduling.
  • identify strategies for communication and synchronisation among different programs.
  • program at the operating system interface.
  • explain basic principles for implementing central components of operating systems, e.g. a scheduler or a device driver.
  • utilize operating systems for multi-processor systems.
  • evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different operating system structures.
  • characterize operating systems by various parameters such as functionality and performance.

Course Content

Operating systems: Processes, threads, scheduling. System calls. Support for synchronization and communication. Operating system organizations. Device drivers. Virtual memory. File systems. Security aspects.

Recommended prerequisites

02314/02312/62514/02326/02317/62557/02322, Experience in sequential programming; basic knowledge of computer systems organisation; experience with the C programming language.Knowledge of basic algorithms and data structures.

Teaching Method

Lectures, group project and experiments, presentations.


The course is a compulsory course for the BEng. study lines software technology and Computer Engineering(IT-electronics) and is reserved for these.

Parts of the course may be conducted in Danish.

See course in the course database.





13 weeks




DTU Lyngby Campus

Course code 02335
Course type Graduate Engineer
Semester start Week 36
Semester end Week 49
Days Tues 8-12

9.250,00 DKK
