Single-Course Engelsk 10 ECTS

High performance buildings

Overall Course Objectives

The course shall give the students an understanding of the following:
Development of system products and solutions for new and energy-renovated buildings with focus on energy use and efficiency. The solutions are based on the building envelope, heat recovery, and active/passive solutions for heating and cooling. An integral part of the product development is to assess the solutions from different perspectives: energy, indoor climate, building technology, durability, economy and grid-integration. The course will enable the students to develop energy-efficient products useful for the building industry as system products in high performing buildings.

See course description in Danish

Learning Objectives

  • Analyze the performance of energy-efficient system products as used in high performance buildings
  • Define design-criteria for system solutions in high performance buildings
  • Execute a product development process based on analyses of the need for improved products in the field of energy-efficient building envelope components and HVAC-systems
  • Propose and justify solutions based on performance criteria
  • Interpret and adopt a commercial perspective when developing system products
  • Report and contrast energy performance, cost and industrialization potential of building envelope components and HVAC solutions
  • Design and document coherent and integrated proposals of high-performance buildings
  • Formulate reports with presentations of the results of topics listed above based on evaluation of which information is relevant for the client (external) and internal documentation

Course Content

The potential for optimizaton and integration is enormous in the building sector. In this course, we develop, optimize and integrate components and systems into high-performing, energy-efficient buildings. The CDIO framework is used to guide the development of new solutions to fulfill the performance criteria, either as stand-alone or integrated solutions.
The course works with new solutions in:
-Highly insulated building envelopes
-Ventilation systems with efficient heat recovery and low electrical energy use
-Windows, glazings and shadings with good energy and daylight balance
-Building integrated heating and cooling systems that makes rational use of free heat gains, free cooling, and integrated heat storages
-Grid-supportive systems and operation
Based on the CDIO framework, the solutions are being thoroughly analyzed, optimized, and integrated into system products that both supports industrialization of the building sector and in turn benefits from industrialized production. The customer is the professional building industry rather than the occupant. The performance of the solutions are being assessed using advanced and detailed simulation tools, e.g. IDA ICE or similar. In the final report, the solutions are being put together and documented in a building.

Recommended prerequisites

11115/41462, or similar course and knowledge of the field of building energy.

Teaching Method

Lectures and exercises.

See course in the course database.





13 weeks


DTU Lyngby Campus

Course code 41463
Course type Candidate
Semester start Week 36
Semester end Week 49
Days Mon 13-17, Thurs 8-12

18.500,00 DKK
