SMART Energy Supply
Overall Course Objectives
The aim of the course is to enable the student to take part in professional planning, design, construction and management of district heating in an urban area. The aim is to enable students to analyze and evaluate the choice of solar heating in the common heating supply . The aim is for the student to know the heat pump’s operation and to calculate, analyze and evaluate choice of heat pump and assess its integration into a common supply system
See course description in Danish
Learning Objectives
- Know and describe Smart City and visions for heating supply in the future over all energy systems
- Make calculations for assessment of a smaller town’s energy consumption for heating as well as assessment of power
- Plan and design elements in district heating and district cooling networks and know the relation between the temperature set and capacity of the supply system
- Know the differences and similarities as well as consequences for low temperature district heating compared to traditional high temperature district heating
- Describe relevant renewable energy systems such as solar collectar and solar heat reservoir in district heating systems and calculate the heat load and energy contribution of the district heating system
- Know and describe different types of heat pump’s and their operation and contribution to the district heating system / cooling system
- Calculate the steam compression heat pump power and energy consumption
- Have knowledge in planning and completion of the construction of the network and supply pipes extension
- Have knowledge on construction and insulation capacity of preinsulated pipes and assessment of energyprice compared to LCC for district heating pipes / district cooling pipes
- In collaboration with the group to make a conceptual design for a common energy supply to a smaller town and to present the solution.
Course Content
Denmark’s supply systems for heating and electricity are being developed. Following the cut downs on fossil fuels, new supply strategies and technology applications in complex contexts are needed, and closely related to The 17 SDG’s Sustainable development Goals.
Smart cities
Central Heating Systems and cooling systems and their current and future role in energy supply
Main components in district heating systems with emphasis on the distribution system.
Low temperature Heating and the status of this concept in Denmark
District heating pipes / District cooling pipes heat loss characteristics;
Pipeline hydraulics and needs for pumping
Large solar collector systems and seasonal heat storage
Heat pumps, structure and operations
Heat pump and integration in supply system
Input for construction Planning, construction requirements,and pre insulated pipes, structure and operation. LCC
Recommended prerequisites
Teaching Method
Lectures, Assignments, Course Works, Cases, Excursions
Section of Building Technology and Processes
Study Program ‘Building and Civil Engineering’: 4rd semester
Study Program Arctic Civil Engineering, 5th semester
In the course the following programmes are used: TABULA webtool, FJERNSOL, COOLPACK, LOGSTOR Calculatorr