Single-Course Engelsk 5 ECTS

PhD course in advanced electrochemistry

Overall Course Objectives

Building on a basic understanding of electrochemical concepts, the course covers advanced topics within electrochemistry and gives the student a better foundation for data verification and evaluation, as well as the means to design an electrochemical experiment. The course covers the application of selected DC techniques such as cyclic voltammetry, potential or current step experiments. In addition, the course covers AC techniques as well as the concept of an impedance spectrum and its application to the analysis of electrical circuits, materials and electrochemical systems. Furthermore, the course will give a detailed introduction to the design of experiments, electrochemical setup, and testing protocols.

See course description in Danish

Learning Objectives

  • Understand and describe thermodynamics, kinetics, and mass transport of electrochemical processes
  • Design an electrochemical setup
  • Plan and conduct electrochemical experiments
  • Apply DC and AC electrochemical techniques and explain the mechanism and kinetics of the studied electrochemical reactions
  • Describe the basic instrumental principle of measurements in electrochemistry and common sources of errors
  • Explain the concept and the advantages of impedance and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy compared with, e.g., other electrochemical techniques
  • Describe the impedance of linear circuit elements such as inductors, resistors, capacitances, constant phase elements and their use in constructing complex equivalent circuits to characterize/describe processes in an electrochemical cell
  • Model the impedance of porous electrodes with the use of porous electrode theory

Course Content

The course covers: thermodynamics, kinetics, transport mechanisms in liquids and solids and the use of porous electrodes. For electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), the following topics are covered: Basic concepts of conductivity, dielectric constant, impedance, admittance and their application in impedance spectroscopy. Data analysis of EIS using graphical analysis by Nyquist, Bode, Difference, Analysis of Difference in Impedance spectra (ADIS) , as well as quantitative impedance analysis via equivalent circuit models of electrochemical systems, non-linear least squares fitting. Also covered are design of electrochemical experiments, optimization of cell design, electrochemical hardware, electrode selection and reference electrode design.
The course includes practical as well as theoretical exercises that serve to illustrate some of the electrochemical concepts.

Recommended prerequisites

47305, It is required that student has taken a basic electrochemistry course, such as MSc course 47305 or other similar courses.

Teaching Method

Lectures, problem solving, group work and lab exercises.
The course will be evaluated during the course period.


This course is open to MSc students but it is required that the student has taken basic electrochemistry courses.

Limited number of seats

Minimum: 10, Maximum: 24.

Please be aware that this course has a minimum requirement for the number of participants needed, in order for it to be held. If these requirements are not met, then the course will not be held. Furthermore, there is a limited number of seats available. If there are too many applicants, a pool will be created for the remainder of the qualified applicants, and they will be selected at random. You will be informed 8 days before the start of the course, whether you have been allocated a spot.

See course in the course database.





13 weeks




DTU Lyngby Campus

Course code 47514
Course type PhD
Semester start Week 36
Semester end Week 49
Days Mon 13-17

10.600,00 DKK

Please note that this course has participants limitation. Read more
