Single-Course Engelsk 1.5 ECTS

Study Group in Population Ecology and Genetics (2)

Overall Course Objectives

To track the latest research developments within theoretical, technological and empirical population ecology and genetics.

See course description in Danish

Learning Objectives

  • Read, asses and critically evaluate scientific papers.
  • Present scientific material for other students and scientists.
  • Describe and synthesize the current development of cutting edge science in population ecology and genetics.
  • Incorporate insights from studies discussed into their own research projects.

Course Content

The articles are selected by the participants as well as the teachers. Recent topics as well as more classical topics in population ecology and genetics will be taken up. The course will be somewhat – but not exclusively – biased towards aquatic systems. Examples of topics are:
– Significance of individual behaviour and migration in population ecology and genetics.
– The role of evolution for population persistence under global change.

Teaching Method

Informal discussion of selected articles presented by the participants.

See course in the course database.





13 weeks




DTU Other Campus

Course code 25824
Course type PhD

10.600,00 DKK
