GIS for Bachelor’s of Engineering
Overall Course Objectives
To introduce the basic concepts of Geographical Information Systems (GIS). To give an insight into spatial information and geodata.
See course description in Danish
Learning Objectives
- describe basic GIS data structures and algorithms
- describe different techniques for the acquisition of geodata with respect to their fundamental principles, their field of application, the required effort and their limitations
- develop simple GIS applications with their requirements on geospatial data and GIS functionality
- handle an open source GIS software for typical geospatial questions with python programming
- use official Danish and European geodatabases for simple analyses in vector and raster data models
- develop a simple database for a given spatial problem in alignment with a suitable spatial data model and formulate simple queries on it
- handle GIS specific methods such as geo-referencing and map transformations
- transform geodata between different geodetic datums and map projections
- perform and understanding thematic mapping
- apply geometric operations to geodata in the vector and raster domain.
Course Content
• Introduction to GIS and spatial analysis
• Core GIS methods and standards
• The applications of GIS (environmental management, resource allocation, transport, urban planning, climate change and socioeconomics)
• Data input in GIS and sources of spatial data
• GIS data structures and models
• Cartography and geovisualization
• Coordinate systems, map projections and datums
• Relational and spatial databases, database design and queries with SQL
• Spatial analysis in vector and raster data models.
• Simple Python programming within GIS
Recommended prerequisites
Teaching Method
Lectures and exercises.