Single-Course Dansk 5 ECTS

Digital Modeling and Technical Drawing Communication

Overall Course Objectives

The aim of the course is to give the students experience in using 3D modeling tools to generate design material in Revit and MagiCAD.
The student must demonstrate skills in 3D modeling and prepare 2D design material based on a given case and give an estimate of dimensions (material, etc.) for each constructions and installations so that these dimensions can be incorporated into the technical communication (3D and 2D).
The purpose is also for the student to be able to read and produce drawing material that is unambiguous and understandable for construction industry professionals at a level where they can build according to it.

The students gain insight into:
– to be able to use the industry’s digital planning and communication tools with an emphasis on Revit and MagiCAD
-develop working sketches by hand for reflective and projecting purposes
– learn to read and draw plans, sections, elevations and technical drawings with specifications according to industry standards
-be able to model several proposals competently – and assess design parameters in relation to the proposals
– gain knowledge of the synthesis of buildings via digital modeling of: climate screen, static systems, installation and energy conditions, and draw these in 3D and 2D

See course description in Danish

Learning Objectives

  • Use hand sketching as a tool for critical reflection in connection with solution selection and final design
  • Create technical drawing material in 3D in a digital environment
  • Create technical drawing material in 2D in a digital environment
  • Model building volume and constructions in a digital environment
  • Model mechanical installations in a digital environment
  • Model, visualize and set up alternative solution proposals, and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the proposals, and based on this explain the choice of solution
  • Present plans, sections, elevations and technical drawings unambiguously and comprehensibly
  • Apply industry standards in technical drawing communication

Course Content

The purpose of the course is to give the student the opportunity to partly prepare a project proposal for a given building in the group and partly to delve into a part of a main project individually.
Based on skills from courses 62319 and 62331
Key elements:
-Sketching by hand
– modeling in a digital environment
– model iterations with a view to optimization
– produce building design material in the form of graphic and digital communication

Recommended prerequisites

The students are expected to follow courses 62319 and 62331 concurrently

Teaching Method

Projectorganized work with assignments. In addition, workshops, pin-ups, group teaching and self-studies.


Section of Building Technology and Processes
Construction and Infrastructure: 1st semester

See course in the course database.





13 weeks


Engineering Technology


DTU Ballerup Campus

Course code 62283
Course type Graduate Engineer
Semester start Week 36
Semester end Week 49
Days Thurs 13-17

9.250,00 DKK
