Single-Course Dansk 2.5 ECTS

Exercises in inorganic chemistry

Overall Course Objectives

To illustrate inorganic chemical reactions and identifications, especially regarding the ions present and the reactions of common inorganic substances in aqueous solutions. Principles of separation and analysis. Good laboratory practice relating to personal safety and working with chemicals according to a procedure. To illustrate the connection between theoretical and experimental understanding of inorganic chemistry.

See course description in Danish

Learning Objectives

  • Relate experiments to the aqueous chemistry of selected main group elements.
  • Relate experiments to the aqueous chemistry of selected transition metal elements.
  • Balance chemical equations.
  • Perform a chemical analysis according to a given procedure.
  • Identify simple inorganic compounds.
  • Apply basical principles for separation in analytical chemistry.
  • Apply safety instuctions for common inorganic reagents.
  • Perform good laboratory practice.

Course Content

Perform a selection of typical inorganic reactions at a small scale. Qualitative analysis of mixtures of compounds and identification of salts including poisonous and hazardous chemicals. Writing up reaction schemes for observed reactions. Evaluation of safety and training in handling chemical waste.

Recommended prerequisites

26001 General and inorganic chemistry (or similar course) should be followed simultaneously or before

Teaching Method

Laboratory work and theory. 4 hours a week on Tuesday 13-17 and time for preparation.


Fundamental for all chemical laboratory work. An illustration of parts of the inorganic chemistry in course 26001.

Limited number of seats

Maximum: 88.

Please be aware that this course has a limited number of seats available. If there are too many applicants, a pool will be created for the remainder of the qualified applicants, and they will be selected at random. You will be informed 8 days before the start of the course, whether you have been allocated a spot.

See course in the course database.





13 weeks




DTU Lyngby Campus

Course code 26008
Course type Bachelor
Semester start Week 36
Semester end Week 49
Days Tues 13-17

9.250,00 DKK

Please note that this course has participants limitation. Read more
