Course English 5 ECTS

Microbial Biofilm Techniques

Want to gain skills on how to grow and investigate biofilms in a laboratory setting?

The overall objective for the course is to give the participants knowledge of state-of-the-art techniques in biofilm research.

The participants will learn how to grow and investigate biofilms in a laboratory setting and learn about general physiology of bacteria growing as a biofilm.

For more details on scope, form and exam, please see course base.


Biofilm growth is the predominant mode of existence for most microorganisms in nature. In this course, you will learn how to perform laboratory experiments with biofilm growing microorganisms, which poses significantly other challenges that growing the cells in suspension.

The techniques include setup and running of biofilm flow cell systems, fluorescence in situ hybridization, various advanced imaging techniques, image analysis, flow cytometry, and more. The course will be partly practical with hands-on exercises complemented with lectures by prominent researchers in the field of microbial biofilms. The actual course contents may vary a little from year to year.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this course, participants will have an understanding of:

  • A participant who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:
  • Perform biofilm flow cell setup and operation: Manipulation and monitoring of growing biofilms, antibiotic treatment of biofilms, viability assessment, on-line measurements of oxygen in biofilms, harvesting of biofilms.
  • Perform biofilm micro titer tray assays.
  • Use advanced optical microscopy techniques: Confocal microscopy and fluorescence microscopy, time-lapse (confocal) microscopy.
  • Perform Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) on embedded biofilms.
  • Perform simple biofilm experiments on an unknown organism that the participants bring themselves or isolate on site.
  • Perform mathematical image processing using COMSTAT analysis.
  • Perform digital image preparation and presentation (Imaris).
  • Present biofilm experiment results for an audience.

Important information 

Here you will find important information for short course participants regarding cancellation policies, location and waitlist policies.

  • 8 days of intensive lab work. Lectures by invited speakers. Evening sessions.
  • The course runs in 8 consecutive days, incl. weekend days.

Fee, registration and location


DTU PhD students must register for this course through the Study Planner

PhDs from other universities must register as a guest student through:

Course fee

Industry and other participants: DKK 15.000

The course fee does not include accommodation or meals


To register, send an e-mail to Claus Sternberg, Qualified sign-ups will be accepted on a first come first serve basis.

The application period is from March 1st till June 1st. 2024



1-8 August 2025


DTU Lyngby Campus




15.000,00 DKK
