Single-Course Engelsk 10 ECTS

Energy systems – analysis, design and optimization

Overall Course Objectives

The aim of the course is to give the students a background for analyzing, designing and optimizing both modern energy plants and their operation in energy systems.
The covered sectors for integration of new technologies are electricity, heating, cooling, and fuels, emphasizing sustainable solutions and renewable energy sources..

The course focuses on performance optimization of power plants, combined heat and power plants, heat pumps, and refrigeration systems involving thermal, mechanical and chemical energy conversion. This optimization aims to enable the green transition of the energy supply, distribution, and use in domestic and industrial sectors. Both energy, economy and emissions are considered as criteria for evaluations.

In addition the students will obtain knowledge about construction and operation of energy systems.

See course description in Danish

Learning Objectives

  • Formulate mathematical models for an energy system and apply these to outline the system characteristics
  • Demonstrate comprehensive understanding of the interaction between markets and technologies in the energy system
  • Describe and evaluate a number of visions for future solutions for the energy system
  • Evaluate and quantify energy and economy consequences of implementing new technologies in the energy system
  • Describe and evaluate different energy storage technologies with respect to the process in which they are installed
  • Do pinch analysis for heat recovery systems
  • Do exergy analysis of an energy plant
  • Predict the economic feasibility of a project, and perform an exergoeconomic analysis of the technology to improve it
  • Synthesize and document proposals for optimal design and operating strategy of an energy plant
  • Develop dynamic models of thermal systems to optimize operation

Course Content

The course deals with energy supply systems on a national as well as a regional level such as systems for supply of electricity, systems for supply of heat. Plants for production, transport, and storage of secondary energy will be described. Characteristic properties and limitations of such plants will be discussed and related to variations of consumer demand with time.
Methods for analysis and design of such complex plants and systems and optimization of their operation are introduced. The technical systems are both analyzed by traditional thermodynamic analyses and modern methods as pinch and exergy analysis. The technical analyses are integrated with traditional economic methods by the combined techno-economic method “exergoeconomics”

Recommended prerequisites

41045/41401/41431/62604/47201/41402/41409/41419/41420/41421/41065/41312/41814, The students are expected to have a background in applied thermodynamics.

Teaching Method

Lectures, problem sessions and mini projects.


See course in the course database.





13 weeks


DTU Lyngby Campus

Course code 41416
Course type Candidate
Semester start Week 6
Semester end Week 20
Days Wed 8-17

18.500,00 DKK
