Single-Course Engelsk 5 ECTS

Anisotropy and fibre composites

Overall Course Objectives

To give the student the necessary background for general anisotropic elasticity theory with special attention to analyses of structures made of fibre reinforced composites. To give the student the background to dimension laminate structures with respect to stiffness and strength.

See course description in Danish

Learning Objectives

  • Use general anisotropic elasticity theory to calculate stresses and strains in Cartesian and in rotated coordinate systems
  • Compute elastic properties for fibre composite materials
  • Account for and apply the basic methods within classical laminate theory
  • Account for the general relations between cross sectional forces and stresses for laminate plates
  • Use plate differential equations with standard solutions to compute deflections of plates
  • Compute progressive failure in fibre composites using state-of-art criteria
  • Combine the classical theoretical design and analysis tools and develop a new calculation algorithm able to dimension specific fibre composite structures which do not fit into standard solutions
  • Evaluate results achieved using standard or new developed design and analysis tools against an expected structural response

Course Content

The relation between stresses and strains in elastic anisotropic materials, together with rotational transformations of consitutive models are presented. Determination of elastic properties of composites. The necessary theory to analysis deflections, failure, stability and vibrations of fibre composite plates is presented. The course treats anisotropic materials like glass, carbon and aramid fibre reinforced polymers.

The course content is equally distributed between theoretical methods for analysis and the application of these methods in design based on criteria for stiffness and strength. Own computational tools are developed.

Recommended prerequisites

41501/41533/41203/41502/41534, and programming expertise (e.g. MATLAB). Recommended is also experience with Finite Element programs e.g. 41812/11305/41958.

Teaching Method

Lectures, exercises and project work. Exercises and project work are performed in groups of 2 students.


See course in the course database.





13 weeks


DTU Lyngby Campus

Course code 41516
Course type Candidate
Semester start Week 36
Semester end Week 49
Days Tues 13-17

9.250,00 DKK
