Master Event English

Masterclass in Wind Energy: Wind Energy Meteorology

Join this free online masterclass by DTU’s Wind Energy Master, and gain valuable insights and expertise in vertical wind profiles.

Discover the essence of wind energy meteorology research! In this exclusive event, we will unravel the mysteries of vertical wind profiles, shedding light on their significance in optimizing wind farm performance. With over a decade of experience and expertise in the field, we will delve into the complexity of wind speed variations with height, including the log-law and power-law principles. By participating in this event, you’ll gain invaluable insights and practical knowledge essential for advancing your career in wind energy meteorology. Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your understanding and connect with our expert!

The participants will leave the masterclass with:

  • Expert insights on vertical wind profiles
  • Practical knowledge of log-law and power-law principles
  • Techniques for precise wind speed estimation
  • Enhanced skills in wind resource assessment

Here are the details :

Date and time: Thursday, 23 May 2024, 15:30-16:00 (CEST)
Place: Online via Microsoft Teams

For this masterclass we have invited Ásta Hannesdóttir, researcher at DTU Wind and Energy Systems. Asta contributes her expertise to advancing the field of wind energy meteorology. With more than 10 years of experience, she brings invaluable insights and practical knowledge to her role. Additionally, she serves as a dedicated teacher in our online course “Wind Resources,” where she shares her wealth of knowledge to students regarding the latest research of wind energy and wind resourcetechniques.


  • Introduction
  • Masterclass presentation
  • Q&A regarding the masterclass and Wind Energy Master in general

If you wish to read more about the full Master’s programme, click here.

Speakers and faculty

DTU Wind and Energy Systems
DTU Wind and Energy Systems is a science hub of 400+ renewable energy enthusiasts coming from all around the world. Our research spans the full spectrum of wind energy and power systems. From the investigating nanoscale structures to macro-scale atmospheric flow; from designing the turbines of the future to digital energy solutions; from electric power technology to more democratic renewable project planning. Educating the next generation of renewable energy engineers is of vital importance to us, and we collaborate with the entire energy sector to develop the most effective technologies on the planet.



15:30-16:00 (CEST)





Start 23 May 2024