Executive Education Event English

EMBA Masterclass: Elevate your business with customer experience

Exclusive Masterclass by renowned expert in CX management Prof. Dr. Yves Van Vaerenbergh

Step into the world of Executive MBA learning at DTU with this engaging Masterclass on Customer Experience (CX) – the next frontier of competitive advantage. As products and prices become increasingly commoditized, exceptional CX sets organizations apart, building emotional connections, fostering loyalty, and driving growth.

Led by Prof. Dr. Yves Van Vaerenbergh, a renowned expert in CX management and co-founder of KALEPA, this session offers a unique glimpse into how CX can transform businesses. Discover why many CX programs fail and learn actionable strategies to ensure success in a competitive market.

Key Takeaways:

  • Explore the financial and strategic impact of CX on organizational performance
  • Gain a framework for CX-driven business transformation
  • Learn to avoid common pitfalls in CX initiatives
  • Take away practical recommendations to enhance your CX approach.

This masterclass provides not only valuable insights but also a taste of the thought-provoking and transformational learning experience offered in DTU’s Executive MBA program. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from an award-winning scholar and prepare your organization for sustainable success.

Here are the details:

Date and time: Thursday, 27 February 2025 from 16:00 to 18:00
Place: DTU Lyngby Campus, Kollegiebakken Building 421 – Entrance C, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby

15:45 Arrival
16:00 Masterclass starts
18:00 Masterclass ends

Please note that spots for this event are typically assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. However, in the event of oversubscription, we reserve the right to decline registrations from competitors, students, or individuals outside the intended audience. If you are not allocated a spot, we will notify you accordingly.

We hope to see you there!

Read more about the DTU Executive MBA.

Who is the MBA programme for?

DTU Executive MBA is master programme for senior specialists, project managers and business leaders who wish to continue their lifelong learning journey and enhance their skills in leadership, innovation and technology.

Innovation is essential for growth. Without constant renewal of products, services, processes and business concepts, companies stand to lose market share. That is why the DTU executive MBA focuses on innovation, new business creation and leadership of current and future technologies.

Every assignment in the programme is focused not only on expanding your knowledge but also on impacting your business challenges. In other words, your Executive MBA can be implemented in your daily work life from day one.

The admission requirements are five years of work experience with three years of experience as knowledge-leader, project-leader and/or people-leader.

Visit the DTU Executive MBA programme page for more information.










DTU Lyngby Campus

Start 27 February 2025