Natural drainage and water supply
Overall Course Objectives
The natural drainage system, e.g. streams, lakes and fjords, affects the quality of groundwater, which is the basis for water treatment at the water plant. At the same time, groundwater recharge is affected by climate change and the way, we handle rainwater and rainwater runoff. One of the main objectives of the course is therefore to acquire knowledge and understanding of water balance and the hydrological cycle. Another main objective is to acquire knowledge about how environmental legislation leads to action plans and remediation to protect our groundwater resources both qualitatively and quantitatively. It is also important that the student acquires knowledge of technologies used in water treatment and in remediation, and that the student acquires competencies in the design of water plant and of remediation technologies.
See course description in Danish
Learning Objectives
- Gain an overview of essential elements of groundwater recharge, based on climate change and new ways of handling rainwater and drainage, among others
- On an initial level plan, design, calculate and documentate remediation at a contaminated site
- On an initial level plan, design, calculate and documentate a water plant
- Explain the overall water balance equation for an area with focus on the connection with the natural drainage system
- Carry out water characterization and quality criteria
- Explain water treatment technologies, including the chemical processes that occur on a water plant and /or in connection with remediation technologies
- Explain threats to groundwater quality
- Explain groundwater protection and action plans and knowing the most relevant legislation within soil, groundwater and water supply
- Analyze and recommend solutions assessed in relation to sustainability, supported by multicriteria and LCA based methods
- Reflecting on and justify choice of solutions
- Reflecting on the group’s cooperation with particular focus on interaction with possibly exchange students
Course Content
Denmark’s drinking water supply is covered by groundwater. Throughout the country, there is focus on developing new methods for securing good water quality for supply. In this course you will learn about the design of waterworks and you will learn about cleaning up contaminated sites and designing remediation solutions. In the course you will also learn how to protect the groundwater resource; seen in the context of the The 17 Global Goals for Sustaniable Development, the whole water cycle and in relation to legislation on water planning.
Processes at the water plant, the interior design and technologies. Pumping for water abstraction and pumping for water distribution.
The influence of climate change and rainwater removal on the groundwater resource and water balance.
Remediation methods for protection of groundwater and indoor climate.
Groundwater protection and action plans, including risk assessment of polluted site for the purpose of prioritization of remediation methods.
Water abstraction, chemistry and water quality as well as water treatment to ensure drinking water quality.
Legislation and plans that support the protection of groundwater: the EU Water Framework Directive and related Danish legislations.
Course work including groundwater protection, action plans and remediation; and including legislation, water plant and water treatment.
Teaching Method
Lectures, dialogue, exercises, individual preparation, presentations by students, course projects.
Presentations by external professionals and excursions.
Course Projects are carried out in groups of 3 – 4 students.
Section of Building Technology and Processes
Building and Civil Engineering: Elective course
Arctic Civil Engineering: Elective course
GEUS, National well database
JAGG, risc assessment of soil evaporation, gas and ground water
REMS-Remediation Strategy for Soil and Groundwater Pollution
PHREEQC- A computer program for speciation, batch-reaction, one-dimensional transport, and inverse geochemical calculations